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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
4/19/2016 12:01:47 PM
Creation date
8/18/2015 10:54:24 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Council Vacancy - Cont'd. <br />Councilman Davey expressed her opinion that the suit in question was not in the <br />best interest of the Town of Los Altos Hills, and stated the action has de- <br />prived the Town of the services of a public spirited man, and classified the <br />action as a misuse of the courts. <br />Mayor Henley expressed his opinion that 'the suit is a shabby way to treat long <br />service'. <br />Mr. David Janssen expressed thanks to Mr. Bowler for his service, presenting <br />him with a bouquet of flowers. <br />3. Planning Commission Vacancy. <br />The Mayor announced that the resignation of Mrs. Helen Ashby from the the Plan- <br />ning Commission was accepted at the last meeting, and declared nominations were <br />in order to fill the unexpired term. <br />NOMINATION; Gordon E. Bowler; By: Fowls; SECOND: Lavey; <br />Mayor Henley pointed out that a Second is not necessary for nomination according <br />to parliamentary procedure. <br />NOMINATION: Arthur H. Lachenbruch; By: Aiken; <br />Councilman Aiken commented that his nomination was made on the basis that the <br />Planning Commission should have representation from the Altamont -Central Drive <br />area. He further commented that Mr. Bowler had served the Town, and is <br />most capable, but that he would vote for Mr. Lachenbruch. <br />Councilman Davey commented that the area mentioned by Councilman Aiken is very <br />capably and ably represented by Mrs. Gertrude Sherlock. <br />Councilman Aiken concurred with Councilman Davey, but went on to state that the <br />high area is the largest area left to be developed in the Town and that many <br />problems exist, among which are sewers, parks and open spaces and steep terrain. <br />He commented that Mr. Bowler is experienced, but in his opinion, the high area <br />is in need of further representation. <br />Councilman Fowle commented that Mr. Lachenbruch would be a great asset to the <br />Town, but that the Town has a good opportunity to make use of someone who has <br />the organizational ability and experience that Mr. Bowler possesses. He fhrther <br />commented on Mr. Lachenbruch's ability, but stated he felt Mr. Bowler should <br />be appointed at this time. <br />Comments were heard from the following persons in support of Mr. Lachenbruch: <br />Mmes. P, Weisbart, D. Miller and Messrs. D. Spencer and Testa. <br />Mr. Janssen commented that the area has a very good representative, and that <br />the area does not need another. <br />Mr. Lachenbruch expressed thanks for the support shown and further stated that <br />pressing work might prevent him from doing an adequate job, but would servo <br />if appointed. <br />
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