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SCHEDULED ITEMS: Cont'd. <br />4. Consideration of Master Drainage Study. <br />The City Manager read his memorandum, dated January 16, 1967, recommending a <br />Master Drainage Study for the Town of Los Altos Hills, to be completed by <br />July 1, 1967, at a cost of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (967,50• He - <br />commented that it is necessary for this study to be made now in order to be <br />prepared for next winter, and stressed the importance of the study as a plan- <br />ning tool. <br />Councilman Fowle called attention to the fact that this item was budgeted about <br />two or three years ago, but the funds were not expended. He was of the opinion <br />the study should be made at this time. <br />The Mayor and Councilman Davey concurred with Councilman Fowle that the study of <br />the drainage problems of the Town should be made. <br />- <br />Mrs. R. W. Towle expressed concern relative to the Town's becoming 'too service <br />directed' and what this will do to the tax bills. <br />Councilman Aiken stated he would go along with having the drainage study in <br />order to give the Planning Commission and the Council the basis for planning <br />around such problems as 'Snell Lane'. He stated he would vote for a drainage <br />study only as the basis for better planning, and stressed the fact that he is <br />not advocating construction of storm drains nor the expenditure of funds, but <br />merely the study for planning purposes. <br />Councilman Davey raised the question of use of funds paid to the Flood Control <br />District by the Town, questioning the responsibility of the District to the <br />Town in taking care of some of these problemsa: <br />Comments were heard from Mrs. R. Jones, Messrs. D. Jannson, D. Spencer and <br />W. A. Perkins. <br />Councilman Fowle stated he could not see the logic of having the drainage study <br />conducted and not implementing it, but commented that financing of necessary <br />structures would have to be resolved. <br />ACTION: <br />That the City Manager and the Mayor enter into a contract with the City <br />Engineers to conduct a Master Drainage Study of the Town of Los Altos <br />Hills, at a cost not to exceed the amount of SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED <br />DOLLARS 07,500.00), to be completed by July 1, 1967• <br />MOTION: Fowle; SECOND: Davey; <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: .'liken, Davey, Fowle, Mayor Henley <br />NOES: None <br />ASSENT: None <br />The City Attorney was requested to prepare an ordinance amending the Budget for <br />the proposed expenditure. <br />-5- <br />