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-`r, UNSCHEDULED ITEMS: Cont'd. <br />2. Amendment of 2107 Gas Tax EngineerinR Budget 1966-67. <br />The City Manager read letter from the City Engineer, February 8, 1967, recommend- <br />ing proposed increase in the 2107 Gas Tax Allotnent (1966 -67) -to the Town for street <br />maintenance which has come as a result of the substantial increase in recorded <br />population of the Town (1966 Special Countywide Census). The proposed increase <br />in the Budget, as reflected is $5082.00 <br />The City Manager was requested to present the resolution at the appropriate time. <br />SCHEDULED ITEMS: <br />2. Election Report. <br />The City Manager announced that two candidates have filed for the Council vacancy <br />to be decided by Special Municipal Election on April 11, 1967, namely, Walter A. <br />Benson and Barbara B. Eastman. <br />He reported, relative to expense of printing Candidates Statement of Qualifications, <br />that the Staff has collected $25.00 deposit from each candidate, with the condi- <br />tion that if cost is more or less, candidate will be billed for additional amount, <br />or excess amount will be refunded, as was done in previous elections. He request- <br />ed direction from the Council as to whether to extract this expense from the <br />Candidate or whether the expense will be absorbed by the Town as Election costs. <br />ACTION: <br />That the Council approve the administrative decision that this be the <br />candidates' expense. <br />hIOTION: Davey; SECOND: Fowls; VOTE: Passed unanimously <br />RESOLUTIONS: <br />1. Resolution No. <br />383 <br />- Amending <br />Resolution <br />No. 3375, <br />Relating <br />to <br />Council <br />Procedures. <br />The City Manager read Resolution, in its entirety, and explained said resolution <br />would amend Resolution No. 375, adopted on January 3, 1967 which established cer- <br />tain Council procedures, particularly Section 1, relative to time element as to <br />when items may be placed on the Agenda for a Regular Meeting and establishing <br />twenty-four (24) hour advance notice for a Special Meeting. <br />ACTION: <br />Adopt Resolution No. 383 as read. <br />MOTION: Davey; SECOND: Fowle; <br />1 Councilman Aiken stated his opbjection to voting on the resolution, at this time, <br />and requested time to give it further consideration. He commented he could not <br />£orsee any emergency arising which the Staff could not handle, and would make it <br />necessary to call a 24-hour Special Meeting of the Council. <br />-3- <br />