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Resolution No. 383 - Cont'd. <br />Councilman Davey pointed out the instance when such a meeting was necessary -- <br />i1 truck violations on Magdalena Road last spring, stating that fast action, by the <br />Council, was necessary. <br />Councilman Aiken questioned whether the law is permissive or restrictive relative <br />to ruling on posting of notices and signing of waivers of notices, and requested <br />an opinion from the City Attorney. <br />Motion and Second were withdrawn by Councilmen Davey and Fowle, and the City <br />Attorney was directed to report at the next meeting. <br />SCHEDULED ITemS: Cont'd. <br />3. Citizens' Drainage Committee Report. <br />Mr. W. A. Perkins, Chairman of the Committee, reported the Committee met on <br />February 13, 1967, with Councilman Aiken and Mr. M. B. Bennedsen, Engineer from <br />Charles S. McCandless office; that the report, at this time, is preliminary. <br />Mr. Perkins stated the area to be studied is the Bullis School area and the valley <br />running northwesterly on Altadena Drive to Old Trace Road. He stated the Com- <br />mittee had outlined the major problems and set time table to complete the study <br />so that it will be possible to complete the project before the rains start -- <br />November 15, 1967. Mr. Perkins expressed the desire to work with Mr. Morse as <br />a liason member in order that definitive action may be taken. Fie also stated he <br />would like to have a Planning Commission to meet with the Committee. <br />The Mayor stated Chairman Minckley, of the Planning Commission, would make an <br />appointment. <br />Citizens' Drainage Committee members are: W. A. Perkins, Chairman, Joseph Moose, <br />Harmon Brown, Dean Clark, and Stanford Case. <br />AMJOUNCEMENTā€¢ <br />The Mayor announced there will be a meeting of the Sewer Study Committee on Tuesday, <br />February 28, 1966 as 7:00 P. M. at the Town Hall. The public is invited to attend. <br />SCHEDULED ITEMS: Cont'd. <br />4. <br />A' <br />pointment of Re resentative to Northwest Area .Advisory Committee - Santa Clara <br />oun y oo Control District. <br />The City Manager stated this item is on the agenda as a result of his meeting <br />with Mr. Donald K. Currlin, Manager -Counsel of the Santa Clara County Flood <br />Control District --that the request is for the right to be represented. <br />Councilman Davey expressed the opinion it might be wise to have a non -council <br />member to participate --perhaps someone from the Drainage Study Committee. <br />ACTION: <br />\_) That the Council request the availability of the appointed representative <br />and leave the filling of the position until later. <br />MOTION: Davey; SECOND: Aiken; VOTE: Passed unanimously <br />4 <br />