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City Manager's Report cont'd. <br />( 1 The City Manager announced that a Staff Meeting was held Monday, February 20''^ <br />at Noon at the Town Hall, with the Attorney, Engineer, Building Inspector and City <br />Manager. Meetings will held weekly. <br />The City Manager announced that, under the Santa Clara County Welfare Training <br />Program, the Town has the services of a Secretary; that he is looking into using <br />men for path and clean-up work under this program. <br />RESOLUTIONS: <br />1. Resolution <br />No. 384 <br />- Amending <br />2107 Gas <br />Tax Fund Expenditure <br />1966-67. <br />Resolution, adopting and submitting a budget for expenditures of funds allocated <br />from the State Highway Fund to Cities, was read by the City Manager. <br />The Manager stated that the ,amount was increased by X5082.00. <br />ACTION: <br />Adopt Resolution No. 384 as read. <br />MOTION: Aiken; SECOND: Fowls; <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Aiken, Davey, Fowls, Mayor Henley <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />2. Resolution No. 385 - Adopting and Submitting a Budget for Expenditure of blinds <br />Allocated From the State Highway Fund to Cities (1967-68). <br />Resolution No. 385 was read by the City Manager. <br />ACTION: <br />Adopt Resolution No. 385 as read. <br />MOTION: Fowls; SECOND: Aiken; <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Aiken, Davey, Fowle, Mayor Henley <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br />1. In answer to inquiry relative to the Byrne property, the Mayor announced Dr. Byrne <br />has deeded his land to the Natures' Conservancy, a non-profit organization which <br />receives gifts and properties. They preserve species of wildlife which is threaten- <br />ed with extinction. <br />2. Mr. M. R. Johnson questioned the right of the developer of Rose Hill Estates to <br />sell lots before sewers and water is available. He commented on letter to the <br />Real Estate Commissioner, from Mr. Adm. McCann, Manager of the Purissima Hills <br />County Water District. He solicited the aid of the Town to prevent occupancy <br />of homes until water and sanitary sewers are available. <br />It was the opinion that this is taken care of by the Building Inspector. <br />-6- <br />