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REPORT ON INITIATION OF SLYER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO 2 - By Mayor A T Henley <br />This excerpt is attached to the official Minutes of the City Council of <br />March 20, 1967. <br />The rumor is that Assessment District No. 2 began with a decision of the Council <br />that sewers were a good idea, that we then adopted a resolution (No. 365) asking <br />the Health Department to back up this idea. <br />I'm afraid the underlying intention of these statements is to cause fear; to <br />persuade people that the Council in irresponsibly bent on sewering the whole <br />Town whether necessary or not. The rumor is false and the fear is groundless. <br />What happened in fact is this: In August of 1965, a preliminary map for <br />a subdivision came up to the Council from the Planning Commission. <br />You°11 recall that, at that tine, the Council consisted of Aiken, Bowler, <br />Clayton, Fowls and Henley. <br />The subdivision was titled Corbetta Unit No. 2. Later on the same Agenda <br />was a neighboring parcel - Silent Hills (Lehner). The two are in the same <br />drainage basin. <br />The approval of the Planning Commission ~, as is usual, conditioned on the <br />approval of the cognizant agencies. <br />Now the Corbett& file contained a letter from one of those agencies, namely <br />Lthe County Health Department, ex officio the Health Department of this City. <br />The letter was dated July 19, 1965; it contained certain findings, and on <br />basis thereof, a recommendation that the subdivision have sanitary sewers, The <br />letter was signed by Peter J. Nardini for the Chief Sanitarian. <br />In addition to the letter, Mr. Nardini and Mr. E. Pearl were both present <br />and gave the reasons for the department's action, among theme, the new tough <br />view being taken by the Regional Water Pollution Control Board, relative to <br />standards of public health. The same situation obtained for the Lehner tract. <br />Faced with the highly unequivocal stand of these legally constituted agencies <br />the Council, after lengthy discussion, took two actions. They are generally as <br />follows: <br />The first was a statement of Council intention that the drainage basin in <br />question is to be severed. This pulled in Eshner as well as Corbetta. The <br />motion was by Fowls and was unanimously adopted. <br />The second was a statement of Town policy to "quire connections to sewer <br />outfalls wherever feasible. The motion was by Aiken and unanimously adopted. <br />What happened then? We sought advice as to how to go about getting that <br />basin severed and we were told that assemmment proceedings would be required. <br />What are the legal steps to that end? The first one is to get a formal state- <br />ment of the Health Department that they are needed. The Attorney proceeded to <br />draft a resolution for that purpose and we adopted it. That's the famous <br />l_II resolution which initiated the legal steps in forming Assessment District No. 2, <br />but it was itself preceded by Health Department demands. <br />