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Regular Meeting Minutes
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city Counc4 <br />Tobin of Los Altos Hills <br />Minutes - June 5, 1967 <br />1. ) The City Manager read letters from the City Engineer, dated May 25, 1967, <br />Surae 1, 1967 and June 5, 1967 which letters indicated that inspections <br />have been made of the improvements. It was determined, from the letters, <br />that the work completed on the 'New Earth Channel' was found to be un- <br />satisfactory; the shoulder 'patching' was done satisfactorily. <br />Discussion followed relative <br />to acceptance of <br />the subdivision, with the <br />PINK HORSE <br />exception of the drainaL-;e channel. The Staff <br />recommended acceptance <br />RANCH UNIT N.C. 1 <br />of the subdivision, with the <br />exception of the <br />channel. <br />Councilman Davey moved that the Town accept the roads in Pink Horse <br />Ranch No. 1, on the condition that Mr. Roscoe fulfill his obligation, <br />including the work on the channel. The motion was seconded by Council- <br />man Benson. <br />Mr. N. W. Roscoe explained that he had cleaned the channel and corrected <br />the portion which restricted the flow of water, and that he could not do <br />any further work without encroaching on private property. It was ex- <br />plained that improving the channel to Town Standards, would necessitate <br />removal of dams on private properties. Mr. toscoe stated that the prop- <br />erty owners do not want their dams torn out (landscaping has been plan- <br />ned around the creek area). He further stated that he has maintained <br />the channel for the past ten (10) years; that it has never overflowed. <br />Councilman Davey withdrew her motion, and second was withdrawn by <br />Councilman Benson, Councilman Davey moved that the Council accept <br />Willow Pond lane, as indicated by the City Engineer, with the further <br />condition that the Town receive written assurance from Mr. W. W. Roscoe <br />that the channel will be privately maintained, and that the Town ac- <br />cept the improvements in the Pink Horse Ranch Subdivision, Unit Ido. 1. <br />The motion was seconded by Councilman Benson, and was passed unanimous- <br />ly. A resolution will be prepared for the next meeting. <br />In answer to question of whether the road (Willow Pond Lane) can be <br />improved during the current fiscal year, the City Manager stated <br />that the work can be done end paid for from funds allocated in the <br />current budget, <br />Budget for Fiscal Year 1967-68 was presented by Mr, Morse, City Manager. <br />IIe mentioned that the Council received copies earlier, and explained BUDGET FOR <br />the 'Expenditure and Revenue Summary of the Budget' (projected on a FISCAL YEAR <br />screen for benefit of the audience). :1967 - <br />Mr. Morse discussed changes in the budget. The allowance of ',12,000 <br />for Land Acquisition Fund, the increased street maintenance allocation, <br />and the change in the Police Contract were explained. <br />The Budget was discussed briefly by Councilmen. There were no comments <br />from the Floor. Action was deferred to OP,DIldANCES. <br />U -4- <br />
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