The City ic,nacar exnlainod that the suggested sum of approximately
<br />$207000 for uain'tenance would inciudv the services of an additional
<br />employee and "t, which he asked the Council to bear in mind
<br />whci disomsing next year's budget.
<br />The City Manager also consented that one of the big values o.£ the
<br />report woul,:, he the establishment of a per lot assessnen" for
<br />drainage and would be - al tool for the Planning Co:vaission
<br />w:.rn looiing at the Overall drainage picture.
<br />T -:•.a :nyer directed tan report be sant to the Planning Consission ACTION
<br />for a r ecoaranndation to the Council, and that the Planning Com-
<br />mission would work mita the Citizens' Drainage Committee as an
<br />auxi_iary for technical advice, either in joint sessions or
<br />detaicd 'acl,p, City Manager was instructed to provide the
<br />Citizens' Drainaoe Cmmi.ttee with a copy of this report.
<br />motion by Councilc:an kik:on, Second by Councilman ,Towle, that the VARIANCE
<br />re-,u.=st of N.zc P, Cole (V-236-67) for redaction in setback COLe (V-236-6"
<br />renui-2m-nt to 18' for pool be approved, As recommended by the JAnlON AND
<br />Plaining COT:1missiOn. was passed unanLaously. VOTZ
<br />City i:anago r rsau City Engineer's letter dated august 2, lV57 HILLCRFS'1
<br />ap: 'owing, with conditions, Final iQp of Hillcrest Estates Unit ESTATES # 3
<br />a3, Lot 1113, with Lot Via (includes Lots 9l,, 15 and 16 as shown TRACT #4206
<br />on Ap,rovve Tentative Map) as "Not a Building Siton, FINAL rup
<br />City manager road City engineer's letter dated August 7, 1467
<br />--,
<br />certifying that the improvements have boon completed in accord-
<br />NO. 006,
<br />anco with the Town's Standards. City Attorney presented and read
<br />in its -entirety Rnsolution No. 406, a resolution of the City
<br />Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills accepting improvements,
<br />BSA, D.T.CL MK
<br />Building Site of Dean I. Clark.
<br />Motion by Councilman rowic, Second by Council:aan Benson, that
<br />mOTION AND
<br />I -solution No, 406 be adopted as read, was passed unanimously
<br />by a Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Councilmen Aiken, Benson, Towle,
<br />VOTtt
<br />Mayor Henley, Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Davey.
<br />City i,lanagcr read 1_tter dated July 17, 1967 from Phillip i,
<br />OLIVER, P. H.
<br />Oliver requesting extonsion of one year to file Final Map, since
<br />ReQUB6T FOR
<br />it has not bean possiblo to obtain either septic tank or sewer
<br />approval. There has boon no prior extension.
<br />TO 0/22/63
<br />Motion by Council:aan -ikon, Second by Councilman Fowlc, that til¢
<br />request of Phillip 0. Oliver for an extension of time to
<br />A —usi 22, 1460 to file Final "ao, Tract #0209, be granted, was
<br />VOTE
<br />passed unanimously.
<br />17r. k. Bennedson, engineer, Charlas S. McCandless Co., sureaarizedDISCUSSION OF
<br />the results of the study for the Plaster Plan for Storm Water
<br />Drainage for the Town of Los Altos Hills datoe July 1, 1457.
<br />This study reflected an urgent need for a greatly expanded
<br />maintenance program to serve existing facilities and a complete
<br />Or
<br />storm drainage syst". for the Barron Creek Area, for which an
<br />assesspcnt district is being proposed.
<br />The City ic,nacar exnlainod that the suggested sum of approximately
<br />$207000 for uain'tenance would inciudv the services of an additional
<br />employee and "t, which he asked the Council to bear in mind
<br />whci disomsing next year's budget.
<br />The City Manager also consented that one of the big values o.£ the
<br />report woul,:, he the establishment of a per lot assessnen" for
<br />drainage and would be - al tool for the Planning Co:vaission
<br />w:.rn looiing at the Overall drainage picture.
<br />T -:•.a :nyer directed tan report be sant to the Planning Consission ACTION
<br />for a r ecoaranndation to the Council, and that the Planning Com-
<br />mission would work mita the Citizens' Drainage Committee as an
<br />auxi_iary for technical advice, either in joint sessions or
<br />detaicd 'acl,p, City Manager was instructed to provide the
<br />Citizens' Drainaoe Cmmi.ttee with a copy of this report.
<br />motion by Councilc:an kik:on, Second by Councilman ,Towle, that the VARIANCE
<br />re-,u.=st of N.zc P, Cole (V-236-67) for redaction in setback COLe (V-236-6"
<br />renui-2m-nt to 18' for pool be approved, As recommended by the JAnlON AND
<br />Plaining COT:1missiOn. was passed unanLaously. VOTZ
<br />City i:anago r rsau City Engineer's letter dated august 2, lV57 HILLCRFS'1
<br />ap: 'owing, with conditions, Final iQp of Hillcrest Estates Unit ESTATES # 3
<br />a3, Lot 1113, with Lot Via (includes Lots 9l,, 15 and 16 as shown TRACT #4206
<br />on Ap,rovve Tentative Map) as "Not a Building Siton, FINAL rup
<br />