<br />DOLL:PS an,- Thirty soven Cants ($B,I,,6.37), w r pr'asant-c'. for MOTID9T &
<br />payaent by Councilman D=_vey. Motion by Councilman Davey Deccne. by VOTE
<br />Councilna Aiken, approving the bills and authorizing t7. City Clar'<
<br />to draw the appropriate warrants, was passod unanimously by the
<br />fo➢owing Roll Call Vota: Ayes: Councilmen Uken, Benson, Davey,
<br />hLsyor Haan la y. ;foes: None. absent: Councilman -owl--.
<br />Councilman .;ikon requested the Council to consider the possibility OTHi3P
<br />ttr. Town hiring its own Sanitary Inspector, in view of tin= BUSINESS BY
<br />difficulty of getting information from., the County Health D;partr:acnt COUNC ILMGJ
<br /> what is going on in our Town. P035I0ILITY
<br />OF TOWN
<br />Councilman Davey suggested, and without objection from the Council, °,NIT-RY
<br />that the City Aanager uake a cost analysis and feasibility study on INSPECTOR
<br />the establishment of a Town Health Department and make a recoi; ien:'a- CC A6K3H
<br />tion to the Council. `
<br />114
<br />Councilman Davey referred to Resolution No. X3015 of the Council of CC WXEY
<br />too City of Palo Alto, directing Mayor i. K. Dias to initiate P -LO ,,,LTO
<br />discussions with several mid -peninsula governmental jurisdictions HUPI R3L1-
<br />leading to the ostablishnent of local, as :v all as, a Mie:- TION COUNCIL
<br />Peninsula Human Pelations Council.
<br />Staff was directed to provi,1a copies of said r::solution for Council 'ACTION
<br />and 6cen6a for the next meeting.
<br />Due to Labor Day falling on the next regular meeting of the Council, CHLNGE OF CC
<br />` the next appropriate meeting date for a full Council was deteriainzd -4rG. DATE
<br />os Thursday, Ceptamber 7th. City Attorney advised that in order to TO THURSDAY
<br />..,cot 1_gal requirements, it would be necessary for the City Clark 9/7/67
<br />to convene the adjourned meeting on Tuesday, September 5th, and
<br />icm,ediately adjourn for lack of a quorum to the next regularly
<br />adjourned meeting of Thursday, Ieptobor 7th.
<br />There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9.-50 P, M, to:
<br />37GGUTNE GESSIODL• Litigation Pliattera.
<br />AM(T R3GJL,RLY ,DJOUI3VZD MEETINGS: Mondry, Capt. 5, 1967 t) be adjourned to
<br />THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1967 at 7:,.5 P. M.
<br />at th- Town Hall.
<br />Na,13 REGULAR ALST'ING: Monday, September L, 1967 (Labor Day),
<br />Respectfully submitted,
<br />19
<br />L
<br />8/21/67 -4-
<br />JUA14IT4 L. MORGAN
<br />City Clark
<br />Town of Los .-Its Hills
<br />by
<br />�
<br />F.
<br />M,
<br />td
<br />ell
<br />