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City Council Minutes
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8/18/2015 1:45:20 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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5) Communication from the Los Altos Hills Association dated Sept. 6, COMMUNICA- <br />1967, applauding the Council for their concept of purchasing the TIONS <br />Byrne property, but questioned whether or not a majority of the cont'd. <br />Town feel they will share in these benefits. This letter requested (5) <br />the purchase of the Byrne property be brought to a vote of the towns- <br />people. <br />At the request of Councilman Fowle, Mayor Henley directed this matter ACTION <br />of the Byrne property purchase be agendaed for full discussion and <br />Public Hearing at the next meeting, September 18th. <br />1) City Manager announced the dinner meeting of the Inter -City Council ANNOUNCE - <br />on Thursday, September 7, 1967, to be held in Los Gatos. Council MENTS <br />regretted this adjourned regular meeting conflicted. (1) <br />2) Councilman Aiken stated he was sorry he was detained and missed (2) <br />the approval of Minutes since he believed there was action at this RE: SEWER <br />table regarding Ordinance No. 8, Section 3, requiring residents ORD. #8 <br />living within 200' of a sewer to connect, but that it was not recorded <br />in the Minutes. Councilman Fowle agreed with Councilman Aiken that this <br />was discussed and recalled that the City Attorney was asked to prepare <br />such an amendment but that there was no official action. There was no <br />objection from the Chair for further discussion of this matter at this time. <br />[Motion by. Counoilman Aiken that Ordinance No. 8 be amended to eliminate MOTION <br />ll Section 3, all other sections of Ordinance No. 8 remaining as they are. (no Sec.) <br />The Mayor stated that he recalled that there was discussion but that it <br />would require an amendment to the ordinance and it was questioned whether action on <br />an unagendaed ordinance would be a good idea, and no official action was <br />taken. <br />Councilman Aiken then amended his Motion to instruct the City Attorney to +AMZNDED <br />prepare for the next meeting an ordinance amendment to Ordinance No. 8, to MOTION <br />eliminate the 200' provision and that the amendment be an agenda item for (no Sec, <br />the September 18th meeting. <br />Councilman Fowle said he would be happy to second Councilman Aiken's <br />Notion, but with a substitute section "requiring connection to an available <br />sewer upon order of the City Council based on conditions of health, welfare <br />and safety. <br />Councilman Aiken stated he was not in full agreement with this, but would <br />accept Fowle's suggestion provided it also includes that the man has also <br />exhausted all other remedies first and is unable to present the Council with <br />any other alternative. <br />Councilman Aiken then moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare MOTION <br />an ordinance amendement to Ordinance #0 to eliminate Section 3 and sub- .. <br />stitute therefore in place of that requirement that the Council will have <br />the power to order a resident to connect to an available line, if such is <br />available, provided, and only provided, that the resident has exhausted <br />all other possible remedies to cure a health hazard. <br />Councilman Fowle stated he could not agree to this Motion. <br />Discussion followed as to the appropriate language in requiring connec- MOTION <br />tion to sewers, however, no agreement was reached and Councilman'Aiken's LOST <br />Motion was 1cm[ for lack of a Second. <br />-2- <br />
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