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CHAMPAGNE HEIGHTS UNIT #1, TRACT #4116 ACCBPTANCB OF IMPROVEMENTS: <br />%1 City Attorney introduced and read in its entirety Resolution No. 408 a <br />l Resolution of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills accepting <br />certain improvements in Tract #4116. <br />MOTION: Councilman Fowle moved, seconded by Councilman Davey, <br />that Resolution No. 408 be adopted as read. <br />Resolution No. 408 was adopted by the following roll call vote: <br />Ayes: Councilmen Aiken, Benson, Davey, Fowle, Mayor Henley <br />Noes: None <br />Absent: None <br />CONSIDERATION OF NOMINEE TO COUNTY LIBRARY COMMISSION: <br />The Mayor directed this item be re-agendaed for the October 2nd meeting. <br />TOWN HEALTH INSPECTOR - REPORT BY CITY MANAGER: <br />City Manager read Staff memo dated September 18th indicating a District <br />Health Officer position has been created for the North County area, which <br />will be filled by Dr. Mary Riggs, and recommended the Council defer taking <br />further steps to hire a part time sanitary inspector until the Town's <br />problems can be discussed with Dr. Riggs. <br />Council concurred with the recommendation to defer. <br />DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION RE: FREEWAY NOISE ABATEMENT{ <br />Councilman Davey reported on meeting held at the Town Hall on September 11, <br />1967 with representatives of the Division of Highways and citizens, which <br />resulted in revision to the landscaping plan and that it was agreed, while <br />landscaping may help slightly, it will not screen the noise emanating from <br />the source. However, Councilman Davey suggested further action by the <br />formation of a citizens Sound Abatement Committee and to go on record with <br />the State Division of Highways with the following Resolution, which she <br />read in its entirety: <br />Resolution No. 409, a resolution of the City Council of the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills relating to noise emanating from Interstate #280, <br />WHZRBAS, the noise from the Interstate Freeway 4280 has created a profund <br />and disturbing effect on Los Altos Hills, and <br />WHEREAS, numerous residents of the Town are greatly concerned over the <br />impact of this noise on the community, <br />NW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills inform the State Division of Highways about this situation and <br />request them to send an acoustical engineer to look into the problem and <br />offer possible solutions to the Town. <br />NATION: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Councilman Benson, that <br />Resolution No. 409 be adopted as read. <br />