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PUBLIC FEARING - ORDINANCE NO. 127 continued: 370 <br />{ The City Attorney read title of Ordinance No. 127, an ordinance of the <br />Town of Los Altos Hills, adopting the Uniform Building Code (1967 Edition) <br />of the International Conference of Building Officials, The Uniform <br />Plumbing Code (1567 Edition) of the International Association of Plumbing <br />and Mechanical Officials, and The National Electrical Code (1965 Edition) <br />of the National Fire Protection Association, regulating the construction, <br />alteration, renovating and remodeling of building, the installation of <br />plumbing, gas and electrical facilities and appliances, the installation of <br />certain utilities underground, the issuance of permits therefor, providing <br />for the fees, administration and enforcement thereof, and ponalties for its <br />violation, and repealing all ordinances or portions thereof in conflict <br />therewith. (Second Reading.) <br />MOTION: Councilman Aiken moved, seconded by Councilman Powle, that <br />further reading of Ordinance No. 127 be waived. <br />Motion was unaniiaously carried by following Roll Call Votr. Ayes: Council- <br />men Aiken, Benson, Davey, Fowle, Mayor Henley. Noes. None. Absent: Nona. <br />MOTION: Councilman Aiken moved, seconded by Councilman Fowl-,, that <br />Ordinance No. 127 be adopted as read. <br />Ordinance was unanimously adopted by following Roll Call Vote: Ayas: <br />Councilmen Aiken, Benson, Davey, Fowle, Mayor Henley. Noes: None, <br />Absent: None. <br />There was Council discussion on direct burial cable and clarification <br />was requested of the Building Inspector for the n_xt uceting.. <br />BUILDING SITE APPROVAL - LIGTELYN,-RUDI (BSA -35-67) - 1 lot at and of 403 <br />La Loma Drive. <br />MOTION: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Councilman Davey, <br />that the request of Rudi Ligtelyn (BSA -35-67) be approved, <br />subject to the conditions of the Planning Commission. <br />Motion was unanimously carried by Voice Vote. <br />14ATADERO SPRINGS (330-67) TENTATIVE AW - 6ngr. C. E. Randlett: [.22 <br />MOTION: Councili::an Benson moved, seconded by Councilran Aiken, <br />that the Tentative Map of Matadero Springs (330-67) be approved. <br />Motion was seconded for the exprass purposes of discussing the Santa <br />Clara County Health Department's raquirements. <br />140TI011 AND SECOND WITHDRAWN. <br />MOTION: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Councilman Aiken <br />that the Tentative Map of Matadero Springs (330-67) be <br />U approved in accordance with the Planning Commission's <br />recommendations and Check List, except that Lots #1 and <br />#3 are not approved as building sites. <br />Motion was unanimously carried by Voice Vote. <br />-4- <br />