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RESOLUTIONS: NO. 411 654 <br />1. City Attorney presented and read in its entirety, Resolution No. 411, <br />a resolution of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills relating <br />to Governmental Tax Sharing. <br />MOTION: Councilman Davey noved, seconded by Councilman Fowic, <br />that Resolution No. 4.11 be adopted as read. <br />Resolution was unanimously carried by following Roll Call Vote: Ayes: <br />Councilmen Aiken, Benson, Davey, Fowls, Mayor Henley. Noes: None. <br />Absent: None. <br />WARRANTS: 689 <br />MOTIUH: Councilman Fatale moved, seconded by Councilman Aiken, that <br />Bills as presented in the amount c_' SIXT=N THOU3AND, S3V31.1 <br />F'.UHDRED NI143TY-EIGHT DOLLARS and Twenty-seven Cents <br />(''15,791.27) be approved and the City Clark autnori:ad to <br />draw the appropriate warrants. <br />Motion was unanicously carried by Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Councilmcr, <br />Aiken, Lanson, Davey, Fowle, Mayor Henley. Noes: None, absent: Nona. <br />C� ORDINANC-35: IND. 123 - Second Reading. 593 <br />1.. City .4ttoraey read title of Ordinance No. 123, an ordinance of the <br />Town of Los Altos Kills amending Ordinance No. a of said Town by amens.- <br />ing thereof relating to sanitary sewer hookup. <br />MOTION: Councilman Fowls moved, seconded by Councilman Davey, that <br />further reading of Ordinance No. 126 bo waived. <br />Motion was unanimously carried by Roll Call Vote: ayes: Councilusn Aiken, <br />Benson,Davey, Fowls, Mayor Henley. Tines: None. Absent: None. <br />MOTION: Councilman Aiken iaovad, seconded by Councilman Davey, that <br />Ordinance Mo. 121, be adopted as read. <br />Ordinance was unanimously adopted by Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Councilmen <br />Aiken, Bensoq Davey, Fowls, Mayor Henley. Noes: None. Absent: None. <br />ROSE HILL 3STi,TE5 - Request for extension for completing subdivision 700 <br />improvements and for issuance of a building permit. <br />Mr. T. Oa:;rboa, CMeloper Of Rose Hill Estates, presents! background <br />information regarding the subject requests, and Council discussion followed. <br />MOTION: Councilcaan eowle moved, seconded by Councilman Benson, that <br />tae Council concur with the City 6lanagor's recommendations <br />\� and not allow the issuance of a building permit for lots in <br />Rosetill astates, until the water facilities are completely <br />installed and approved by the :Vater District and the Town <br />so notified by the District. <br />