<br />SIDc' 2
<br />Presentations from tha Floor were made by: Ars. S. Anderson, 13051 TRACK e
<br />La Paloma Road, on the subject of n>agotiations with Palo Alto Council 3<,5
<br />for sewer service. Mr. G. 'Zarrari,25791 Moody Road, spoke on his
<br />opposition to sewer assess'aznT districts -or the Town. Mrs. D. A.
<br />Miller, 13076 Vista del Valle Court, spoke on t!ie subject of tri -city
<br />sewage ar_ the Town's participation, Pkr. L. Corbctta, 12500 CoibOtfa
<br />Lane, spot,_ to Mr. Ferrari's remarus, Mr. H. Seward, 27561 Altamont Roac:,.
<br />spoke on the subject of developers and the sewer situation, Er. Joseph
<br />Herr, 13%a0 Mandoli Drive, spoke on vie subject of Sewer Assessment
<br />District No. 3.
<br />SIDL 2
<br />1. Ordinance No. 129 - Second Rearing, TRACK
<br />6..0
<br />City =,ttornay read title of Ordinance No. 129, an ordinance of the
<br />Town of Los Altos Hills requiring issuance of a franchise as a con-
<br />dition precadcnt to occupancy of t,,e public street and ways by any
<br />public utility.
<br />MOTION, 3ECOND31), AND CARRI?D: Councilman Davey moved, seconder. by
<br />Councilman Benson, that further rea,�ing o:Ordinance No. 129 be waived,
<br />was carried unanimously by Roll Call Voce: Ayes: Councilman A",»n, Benson,
<br />Davey, Mayor Manley. Nces: Nona. Absent: Councilman Fowle.
<br />MOTION, S3COND3D, ;AND CARRIED: Councihcan Aiken moved., ssaconded by
<br />Councilman Davey, that Ordinance No. 129 be adopted as read, was carried
<br />unanimously by Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Councilmen Aiken, Benson, Davey,
<br />Mayor Hanley. No -,:s: Non_. Absent: Councilman Foyle.
<br />2. Ordinance No. 130 - Second Reading. 660
<br />City Attorney read title of Ordinance No. 130, an ordinance o:£ t4a Town
<br />of Los Altos Hills prescribing procedures for issuance of franchises to
<br />public utilities.
<br />MOTION, SECONDED, AND CF.RRIED: Councilman Aiken moved, seconlad by
<br />Councilman Davey, that further reading of Ordinance No. 130 be waived,
<br />was carriad unanimously by Roll Call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Aiken, Eenson,
<br />Davey, Mayor Henley. Noes:. Non_. Absent: Councilman Fuwle.
<br />VOTION, 93CON1)3D, ArID CARRIED: Councilman Davey moven, by Council-
<br />man Aiicen, that Ordinance No. 130 ba adopted as read, was carriedunanimously
<br />by Roll Call veto: Ayes: Councilmen Aikzn, Benson, Davey, kayor Aaa12y.
<br />Noes: Rorie. Absent: Councilman 5'owla.
<br />NARRIANT5:. REEL 2
<br />SIDE 2
<br />NOTION, 6ECOND3D AbrD CARRI3D: Councilman Aiken moved, soconded. by TRP.CIC
<br />Counc* Banson, that Bills as presented in the amount of FOUR 670
<br />THOU3AND FOUR HUNDRED EIGArY-EIGHT and 5..venty-eight Cents
<br />be approved and the City Clerk authorized to draw the appropriate
<br />warrants, was carried unanimously by Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Councilmen
<br />Aikan, Banson, Davey, Mayor Henley. Noes: None. Absent: Councilo:an Fowle.
<br />7-
<br />