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Scheduled Item No. 1 cont'd.: <br />The following residents spoke in favor of Sewer Assessment District No. 2: <br />Louis P. Corbetta, 12500 Corbetta Lane <br />Dr. M. Shibuya, 1`005 Holiingsworth Drive, MSuntain View <br />The following residents spoke in favor of sewers: <br />William T. Samuels, 10800 Magdalena Road <br />Lee Kubby, 26756 Palo Hills Drive <br />The following citizens spoke to the issue of the septic tank/sewer situation: <br />R. A. Oliver, representing Mt. Helen Children's Hone, 101 Alma St., PA <br />James Bell, 27421 Sherlock Road <br />Henry Seward, 27561 Altamont Road _ <br />At the request of the Mayor, the City Attorney explained that the Resolu- 585 <br />tion of Intention to form Sewer Assessment District #2 would only ask the <br />Engineer for an overall report on which to form a basis for the Council <br />to make a decision as to whether or not to proceed. He stressed adoption <br />of the resolution would not obligate the Council to proceed. <br />City Manager read the following letters.: <br />1) Letter dated November 13, 1967 from Leighton M. Bledsoe, 25525 Moody <br />Road, requesting the Council to drop any further consideration of Sewer <br />Assessment District No. 2 and embark on a city-wide plan to handle all <br />future needs of the residents. <br />2) Letter received November 16, 1967 from Mr, and Mrs. George D. Nissen, <br />25600 Elena Road, placing the blame for the current sewer situation with <br />the Council. <br />3) Letter dated November 19, 1967 from Thomas P. McReynolds, 2604.5 Moody <br />Road, posing several questions regarding Sewer Assessment District No. 2. <br />MOTION AND SECOND: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Councilman Aiken, <br />to terminate all proceedings on Sewer Assessment District No. 2; if the <br />developers in this area want sewers for themselves, they may return with <br />a district that includes their property and that property of those who <br />want to be included. <br />Council discussion followed. <br />MOTION LOST: The Motion to terminate proceedings was lost by the following <br />voice vote: Ayes: Councilmen Aiken, Benson. Noes: Councilmen Davey, <br />Fowle, Mayor Henley. <br />Scheduled Item No. 2. <br />2. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO FORM SEWER ASSESSMENT REEL 2 <br />DISTRICT NO. 2. SIDE 1 <br />City Attornay introduced and read in its entirety Resolution 1110. 413, TRACK 2 <br />a resolution of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills of in- 755 <br />tention to require and construct improvements, Sewer Assessment District No. 2. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by <br />Councilman Fowle, that Resolution No. 413 be adopted as read, was carried <br />by the following majority roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Davey, Fowle, <br />Mayor Henley. Noes: Councilmen Aiken, Benson. Absent: None. <br />-3- <br />