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ACTION. REEL 3 <br />i SIDE 1 <br />City Attorney introduced and read in its entirety Resolution No, 415, TRACK 1 <br />a resolution of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills relat- 300 <br />ing to improvements in subdivisions. <br />MOTIONS SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved,, seconded by <br />Councilman Aiken, that Resolution No, 415 be adopted as read,was <br />carried unanimously by roll call vote: Ayes-. Councilmen Aiken, Benson, <br />Fowle, Deputy Mayor Davey. Noes- None: Absentt Mayor Henley. <br />LUViN COUNTY 'PARK - CUNSIDERATIUN ..FUR ENDURSBMENT OF TEEN. RE54ARCH REEL 3 <br />PROJECT. SIDE 1. <br />TRACK I <br />Deputy Mayor Davey directed the City Manager, on behalf of the Council, 330 <br />to communicate with Teen Researchy. Inc; and indicate unanimous Council <br />support of the proposal as submitted in their letter dated November 11, <br />1967. <br />Scheduled.Iteia No, 3: <br />BYRNE PROPERTY ACQUISITION, R13BL 3 <br />SIDE 1 <br />City Manager reported that negotiations are continuing and requested :TRACK 1 <br />the matter be held over to the December 18th meeting, Council concurred.339 <br />Mr. D. Janssen, 27490 Sherlock Road, commented on the subject of a <br />corridor through the Byrne property. <br />Scheduled Item No. 4: <br />CONSIDERATIONOFAN ORDINANCE BANNING TRUCKS ON JUNIPERO SERRA FREEWAY. REEL 3 <br />SIDE 1 <br />City Attorney presented draft prohibiting use of that portion of the TRACK 1 <br />Junipero Serra Freeway through Los Altos Hills by trucks having a 363 <br />gross weight over three tons, citing exceptions, but pointed out unless <br />the State takes some action in this regard, such an ordinance would not <br />be effective. <br />Council concurred that a first reading would be in order to confirm the <br />position of the Council in asking the State to ban trucks on the Freeway <br />and lend support to the charge of the Noise Abatement Committee. <br />City Attorney read the title of Ordinance No, 131, an ordinance of the <br />City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills prohibiting truck traffic <br />on Junipero Serra Freeway, Interstate Route 280, within the Town of <br />Los Altos Hills,providing alternate routes and providing penalties for <br />violations. FIRST READING. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED- Councilman Aiken moved, seconded by Council. <br />man Fowle, that further reading of Ordinance No. 131 be waived, was carried <br />unanimously by roll call vote- Ayes: Councilmen Aiken, Benson, Fowle, <br />Deputy Mayor Davey. Noes: None. Absent: Mayor Henley. <br />-4- <br />