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4/19/2016 12:04:40 PM
Creation date
8/18/2015 3:00:37 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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-Many hours of thought and discussion have gone into the best way to <br />reconcile widely divergent aims and ideas about sewers in Los Altos <br />Hills. I wish to propose a new general plan for District No. 2that <br />is different from any previous plans and is tailored specifically to <br />some of .the characteristics which are peculiar to this district. <br />You will note that I do not use the words "Assessment District' for <br />reasons which will become apparent. <br />Some of the features peculiar to this district are: <br />1. It is probably one of the cheapest and easiest districts in .the whole <br />town to sewer. The cost of a. pipe to .make it into a working system is a <br />aurprisingly.low figure, and one that hardly seems to justify the <br />complexity of assessment proceedings. <br />2. The undeveloped area predominates (approx 75%) with no existing costs <br />for septic systems. It is of two types, some recently sub -divided <br />with in -tract lines in place, and some un -divided but potentially sub - <br />dividable.. The latter are split pro and con. <br />3. Potentially troublesome soil conditions exist in the undeveloped <br />areas making sewering am economic advantage now before trouble develops. <br />4. The lower end of the district is proportionally heavily developed <br />residentially and with some indication that eventual seweringmay be <br />advantageous. However, Assessment District formation is strongly <br />opposed by approx. one-half df .these resident, and admittedly with <br />justification because assessment charges will be added to their <br />already paid costs of septic systems. They are not so opposed to <br />eventual payment when -as -and -if they are forced or choose to connect. <br />The above set of conditions exist today in District No. 2, which, <br />coupled with the low cost of making the system operable and the widely <br />divergent aims and wishesofthe residents and land owners, points to <br />a new and novel solution. <br />I want the credit to go where it deserves. Mr. Morse and Mr. Nachtsheim <br />have been juggling cost figures, pipe routes and service boundaries, and <br />exploring all possible permutations toward a workable solution ever <br />since the Council moved to call for action. They have done a magnificent <br />job and are to be complimented.I have been working with them and have <br />been of some assistance in cross-checking against possible pit -falls. <br />It seems that a new, and I hope, fair and acceptable breakthrough is <br />near. In order that my fellow Councilmen and the public may be apprised <br />at an early stage of this possibility, I want to outline some of the <br />( basic considerations flow: <br />
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