<br />Council revieiwed each item of the proposed site development ordinance,
<br />incorporating the following amendments:
<br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by
<br />Councilman Davep, that the site development ordinance draft be amended
<br />on P. O, sub -sec. 7), by adding to the beginning of the fourth line
<br />'When specially required by the City Engineer, " and that on P. 9,
<br />tee paragraph following Item f) be stricken from the draft, was carried
<br />by a majority vote, Councilman Towle abstaining.
<br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by
<br />Councilman Benson, and carried unanimously by voice vote, that on P. 20,
<br />Section 15, Driveway Construction Standards, A. line 5 following the
<br />first word 'require', add "a minimum of".
<br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by
<br />Councilman Benson and carried unanimously by voice vote, the following
<br />amendments and additions to P. 27: 1) Section 2 to be changed to Section
<br />13 and all words following "repealed" are to be stricken; 2) Section 14
<br />is to be added, calling for the requirements of posting and 2ffective date.
<br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED. Councilman Aiken moved, seconded by
<br />Councilman Fowle and carried unanimously by voice vote, the amendment
<br />to P. 25, Section 6, Fees, that fees shall be as adopted by Resolution,
<br />rather than an attached schedule.
<br />The amended draft was deferred to "ORDINANCES" on the Agenda for considera-
<br />tion as an ordinance to be read as a first reading.
<br />Scheduled Item No. 7:
<br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Hayor Henley moved, seconded by
<br />Councilman Davey, that the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills
<br />expend $500.00, as requested by the Los Altos School District to
<br />operate the after school recreation program, was carried by a majority
<br />roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowle, Mayor Henley,
<br />Noes: Aiken. Absent: None.
<br />Unscheduled Item No. 1.
<br />MARTINELLI, FRANK (334-67) Tentative Map of 4 lots. Engr. C. Coburn.
<br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Fowle moved, seconded by
<br />Councilman Davey, that the Tentative Map of Frank Martinelli, Sr..
<br />(336-67), 4 lots, be approved as submitted, subject to the ChecList
<br />and approval of all agencies, was carried by a majority voice vote,
<br />Councilmen Aiken and Benson opposed.
<br />Reel 3
<br />Side 2
<br />Track 4
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<br />Reel 3
<br />Side 2
<br />Track 4
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<br />At 1Ot55 P. M., the Mayor adjourned the meeting for recess 1352
<br />At 11:05 P. N., the Mayor reconvened the meeting. REEL 3, SIDE 1
<br />TRACK 3 - 00
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