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'PUBLIC HEARING (Cont'd.): <br />ACTION: <br />That the Staff and City Engineer be instructed <br />to investigate in a preliminary way and report <br />at the next meeting of January 17, 1966, the <br />feasibility of establishing a sewer assessment <br />district in the area of Summerhill and Dawnridge <br />Road portion of the Town. <br />MOTION: Aiken; SECOND: Bowler; VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />Press was requested to extendfull coverage and Messrs. Murray <br />and Walteroffered to alert the neighborhood, with additional <br />posting by this office. <br />1d= NTS : <br />1 .Bills, in the amount of SEVEN THOUS%uND, THREE HUNDRED NIIvTETY-FIVE <br />DOLLARS and Thirteen Cents (17,395.13), were presented for <br />payment by Councilman Aiken. <br />ACTION: <br />That the bills, as presented, be approved and the <br />City Clerk be authorized to draw the appropriate <br />warrants. <br />MOTION: Aiken; SECOND: Clayton; <br />ROLLCS,L: Aiken, Bowler, Clayton, Mayor Henley (i.YES) <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Fowie <br />COMfTUPICuTIONS: None. <br />t_NNOUNC.EMENTS: <br />-1. Santa Clara Inter -City Council dinner meeting for members and <br />wives; Thursday, January 6, 1966; Los Gatos, Host City. Mayors <br />Committee meeting 6:30 r. r;,, dinner 8:00 P. M. <br />OTHER EUSINESS: <br />1. Santa Clara Trafficwayss Committee - Councilman Bowler. <br />Councilman Bowler announced the reorganization and redesignation <br />of the Santa Clara County Traffieways Committee as the Santa <br />-Clara .County Transportation Policy Committee, which has been <br />enlarged to twenty-one members (16 city councilmen from 16 cities <br />in the county and a citizen member appointed by each member of <br />the Board of Supervisors).. <br />-5- <br />