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OTHER BUSINESS: Traffieways Comm. (Cont'd.): <br />� There has been a request from the Chairman that each delegate <br />obtain a position from its Council as to whether or not funds <br />will be reimbursed out of Phase II bond money for work tobe <br />done prior to the Phase II Unit. <br />Following discussion of the issue, it was the consensus of <br />.the Council to encourage any city to utilize funds in order <br />to assist the transit problem and recommended Delegate Bowler <br />vote affirmately when the issue is presented at the January 12ts <br />meeting. <br />2. Accidents - Councilman Aiken. <br />Councilman Aiken stated his concern for a safety factor on <br />signals on El Monte Road and increasing accidents in hos Altos <br />Hills, and asked that this matter be placed on the Agenda of <br />January 190 for discussion. <br />ADJOURV`MFNT: MOTION: Clayton; SECOND: Aiken <br />MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:55 P. M. <br />ITEXT RFGULLR HEFTING: Monday, January 19, 1966 at 9:45 I'. M. <br />at the Tonin Hall. <br />l ) Respectfully submitted, <br />FnED W: SLFEN <br />City Clerk <br />.1/3/66 -nam Town of Los Altos Hills <br />