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COMMITTEE REFORT: <br />1. Tree Planting P. C. Burchard, Chairman. <br />Chairman.Burchard. made the following announcements: <br />1) Saturday, March 5, 1966, at 11:00 A. M., will be the <br />official opening of the tree planting program, with the <br />first trees to be planted at the corner of Fremont and <br />Arastradero Roads by the boy Scouts of Troop 76. All <br />City Officials and-resid.entsare invited, to attend. <br />2) Bids were opened on Friday, February 18, 1966 at 4:00 F. M, <br />at the Town Hall, .the following bids having been received: <br />1) Ken Sims $3,800.00 <br />2) Frank Clawson - $2,450.00 <br />3) Palo. Alto Landscaping 36,980.00- <br />4) Los Altos Nursery - 3"1,626.00 <br />5) Associated Landscaping - `1,500.00 <br />Bids were based on 150 trees, with a unit price in order to <br />add or subtract trees. <br />Chairman Burchard referred to the Plaster Tree Planting iisp <br />showing locations for .176 trees (primarily pistache, red- <br />woods, eucalyptus and pines), with planting to be completed <br />by April 524• Chairman Burchard announced the award of <br />contract to Associated Landscaping of Los Altos with the <br />low bid of $$1,500.00. However, 25 trees were added by the <br />Committee to the contract bid, totalling '^1,760.00. <br />Inquiry has been made by the Tree Committee as to the <br />responsibility and workmanship of the contractor. <br />ACTION: <br />That the City Council accept the low bid <br />and that the City Clerk be authorized to <br />award the contract to the lowest bidder, <br />Associated Landscaping, as discussed above. <br />MOTION: Fowls; SECOVD: Clayton <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Aiken, Bowler, Clayton, Fowls, <br />Mayor Henley <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />3) Since the landscaping design for the Freeway has not yet <br />been started, there will be an informal meeting with the <br />State Highway Department in conjunction with the Tree <br />Planting program for the Town. <br />4) Aproject is underway with another group of Boy Scouts <br />under the sponsorship of Mike Brown for a tree survey and <br />rescue operation in the Fremont Hills area. <br />-2- <br />