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( ) OLD BUSINESS (Cont'd.): <br />3. Ralph W. Schwarze - letter re: Subdivision Lots. <br />Mr. Schwarze's letter dated February 25, 1966 referred to the <br />Minetor Subdivision (133-59) andclaimed the subdivider <br />promised a buffer of open space between the two substandard <br />lots created and that a building permit has been issued on <br />one of these lots, resulting in congestion and deception. <br />City Manager reviewed the proceedings of the subdivision and <br />could find no record of any agreement or promise to provide <br />a buffer strip on either of these lots and that there has been <br />no violation of any approval granted the subdivision or of the <br />Town's regulations. The City Attorney advised he had found <br />no illegality. 19r. Schwarze was not Present. <br />ACTION: <br />That Mr.. Ralph W. Schwarze's letter be noted <br />and filed, and that I'ar. Schwarze be fully <br />informed of the Council's action and reasoning. <br />MOTI^N: Clayton; SECOND: Bowler; VOTE: Passed. unanimously. <br />4: Abandonment of Public Utility Easement - Tract No. 1118. <br />( <br />It is the desire of Mrs. Malcom Smith, 14555 De Bell Drive, <br />to connect to the Los Altos School Sewer District, and inas- <br />much as a sewer line cannot be placed in a utilities easement, <br />is requesting the easement be �bandoned. <br />The City Manager reported a copy of the request had been forwarded <br />to the utility companies and was informed by the Pacific .Gas <br />& electric Co. that a 2'x20' portion of the easement along the <br />common lot lines of lots 2 and 3 as being used as an anchor <br />easement; however, they had no objection to the abandonment of <br />the remainder of the easement. , <br />ACTION: <br />That the request of ilrs. P:alcom Smith for <br />abandonment of Public Utility Easement in <br />Tract No. 1118, be approved and that the <br />City Attorney present, as discussed, a <br />resolution under the appropriate section of <br />the Agenda. <br />PIOTION: Aiken; SECOND:' Fowls; VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />-4 <br />