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USE PERMIT: Kohn and DIVISION OF Lil-ND: BerFZ ill Farm (Cont'd.): <br />were distributed to Council and Page I^gill Park, Inc., owners <br />of the subdivision. <br />Council concurred the restrictions and recommendations of the <br />a^proving agencies should apply to the Kohn Stables, as well <br />as the Cook Stables, but in the event the restrictions were too <br />stringent for the Cook Stables, an appeal on a sp-eci£ic basis <br />could be applied for. <br />Yr. J. Lazar, representing the applicant of the Use Permit, <br />stated S•Trs. Kohn was agreeable to the conditions and was aware <br />of the cost. Mr. R. Guelich, of Page Till Perk, Inc., felt <br />most of the conditions were reasonable and within their capacity, <br />except for one or two items which could be worked out with the <br />agencies involved, and requested the Council to grant them a <br />reasonable length of tirne to accomplish the work. <br />Check List was read. There were no objections from the Floor. <br />Charles R. Garbett (speaking as a neighbor)and 'rs. Joyce <br />sweeney (address unknown) spoke in ;.aver of the Cook Stables, <br />with reasonable controls. <br />ACTION: <br />That the Tentative Map of Berry Hill Farm (316-66), <br />2 lots, be approved, subject to the conditions of <br />O the Check List and all approving agencies, and with <br />the further requirement that the existing stable <br />operation either be discontinued or brought up to <br />the standards prescribed *within one year. <br />MOTION: Bowler; SECOND: Clayton; VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />ACTT Oil: <br />That the Use Permit of Mrs. Carolyn NI. Kohn <br />(UP -245-66) be approved, subject to the conditions <br />prescribed by the Planning Commission and all <br />approving agencies, and the further condition that <br />the permit be for a period of twenty (20) years, <br />and that the subdivision, Berry Hill Farm, be <br />completedin due course. <br />MOTION: Bowler; SECOND: Clayton <br />In regard to Condition ',=`11 of the Planning Comm.ission's <br />recommendations on the Use Permit, Councilman Aiken requested <br />that any FA system be provided with suitable automatic <br />peaking and volume control. <br />The Cuestion was called: <br />VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />-6- <br />