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'..-D6! <br />BUSINF,SS: <br />1. <br />Appearance of r. <br />R. Hanna <br />- Discussion of Employment. <br />Mr. Hanna was present and explained his experience in the <br />fields which could be of benefit to the community, especially <br />in police problems and procedural matters. <br />Mayor read proposed letter of employment contracting for <br />Mr. Hanna's services as a consultant for a period not to exceed <br />the first quarter of fiscal year 1966-67, with compensation <br />for the sum of 0700.00 per month, plus reimbursement of actual <br />travel expenses accounted not to exceed 1200.00 per month, for <br />not less than ten working days per month. <br />Nm'es.P. Weisbart and R. Towle queried the need for a consultant, <br />while Messrs. S. French and L. C. Macabee endorsed Mr. IIanna. <br />ACTION: <br />That the City Council employ Mr. Hanna under the <br />terms and conditions as stated forth in the <br />contract letter executed this July 5, 1966, <br />MOTION: Fowle; SECOND: Davey <br />ROLL C,^ -LL: AY'3S: Aiken, Bowler, Davey, Fowle, Mayor Henley <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />2. Public Hearing - Inclusion of Parks and Recreation Element in <br />General clan. <br />At 10:10 r. M., the Mayor opened the Public Hearing. <br />Mr. Frank Wheeler, 27174 Elena Road, commented against "parks" <br />which require maintenance, policing and which invite outsiders. <br />It wasclarifiedby the Council that such a park is not the <br />intent but as a technical matter such -a recreation element in <br />the general -plan "is -required in order to require dedications <br />from subdivisions and to be eligible for federal grants. The <br />only kind of park being considered is a Little League park. <br />Mr. Charles aright, President of the Little League Association, <br />reported he had obtained the name of the Housing and Home <br />Financing 9gency, Urban Renewal Administration, which Agency <br />will .finance grants of money.. equivalent to 50% of the purchase <br />price of land and 50% of limited improvements, but no community <br />buildings. <br />At 10:15 F. M., the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. <br />The City Attorney introduced and read in its entirety, Resolution <br />No. 355, a.Resolution of the City Council of the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills, adopting a recreation element in the General Flan. <br />ACTION: <br />That Resolution No. 355 be adopted as read. <br />MOTION: Bowler; SECOND: Fowle <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Aiken, Bowler, Davey, Fowle, Mayor Henley <br />NOES'. None ABSENT: None <br />-3- <br />