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COMMUNICATIONS (Cont'd.): <br />2. Request from City Clerk to extend present gardenLE2 service. <br />ACTION: <br />That the City Clerk pro tem be authorized to continue <br />the existing garden service to August 8, 1966. <br />MOTION: 'owlet SECOND: Davey <br />ROLL CALL: AYES Davey, Fowle, Mayor Henley <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Aiken, Bowler <br />ANNOUNCEMENTS: <br />1. Mayor Henley called for an Executive Session on Wednesday, <br />July 20, 1966 at 4:30 P. M. at the Town Hall to meet with <br />Mr. E. R. Hanna, Consultant, to discuss the proceedings for <br />a permanent City Manager. <br />2. City Attorney requested a special meeting regarding the codifi- <br />cation of ordinances, but in the interim, will submit a written <br />report to the Council. <br />OTHER BUSINESS BY COUNCILMEN: <br />1. In order to arrive at a solution for private roads, increased <br />lot size and grading requirements in the precipitous areas of <br />the Town, Councilman Davey proposed a goal be set by having <br />1) a detailed plan made of the area within Altamont, Taaffe, <br />Moody and Face Mill Roads, which would include road patterns, <br />sewers and paths, 2) a series of Council work sessions to <br />incorporate these findings into revised grading and zoning <br />ordinances, 3) a Citizens' Advisory Committee of three from <br />the mentioned area, and 4) that the Town Planning Consultant, <br />Mr. Nestor Barrett, be consulted for his advice on such a cir- <br />culation element, with further discussion agendaed for the <br />August ist meeting. <br />There being no objection, Councilman Davey was authorized by <br />the Mayor to contact Mr. Barrett and the City Clerk instructed <br />to agenda for the August 1st meeting the item "Consideration of <br />Study of Central Drive Area - Circulation Element". <br />WARRANTS <br />1. Bills, in the amount of TWO THOUSAVD ONE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE <br />end ninety-three Cents ($2,195°93), were presented for <br />payment by Councilman Fowls.. <br />ACTION: <br />That the bills, as presented, be approved and <br />the City Clerk pro tem be authorized to draw <br />the appropriate warrants. <br />(. MOTION: Fowle; SECONDa Davey <br />ROLL CALL: AYES° Davey, Fowle, Mayor Henley <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Aiken, Bowler <br />-8- <br />