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UNSCHEDULED ITEMS (Cont'd.): <br />6. M. J. Taaffe Co., Inc. --greemont for Service. <br />City Clerk explained the S?. J. Taaffe Co. desires to purchase <br />an expensive piece of road maintenance equiprent which would <br />be of benefit to the Town, but would require a five year <br />contract in order to insure amortization of the cost of the <br />unit. <br />ACTION: <br />That the contract between the Town of Los l.ltos <br />Hills and M. J. Taaffe Co. be approved as <br />presented and executed for a five year period. <br />SCOTION: Fowle; SECOND: Davey <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Aiken, Davey, Fowls, Mayor Henley <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Bowler <br />7. Request for Stun Sign: <br />.,. Concepcion at Viscaino <br />It was the recommendation of the Deputy Sheriff and <br />Mr. E. R. Hanna that no stop sign be placed on Concepcion <br />at Viscaino. Councilman Davey withdraw her request for <br />such a sign. <br />City Clerk reported he has requested Hr. Kellogg, of the <br />California Automobile Association, to present a proposal for <br />a sign survey to indicate where signs are needed within the <br />Town. <br />B. Camino Hermosa at Ravensbury. <br />It was the recommendation of the Deputy Sheriff th^t <br />yield right of way signs on Ravensbury, on both sides of <br />the intersection, would lessen the chance for accidents. <br />Councilman Liken requested this matter be deferred in <br />light of more definitive inforr.,,e.tion from the indicated <br />survey. <br />Mayor ordered the Batter continuedto the September 19'h meeting. <br />S. Ordinance No. 69, Sec. VI, Subsoc. 6:20 - ..ioad Qidths in <br />Subdivisions. <br />Mayor referred to Planning Com,.eission recommendation of <br />dugust 22, 1966 in that the above section should remain <br />unchanged, and ref^_rred. the question regarding "loop" roads <br />-- to the City 'attorney, who will incorporate this in the new <br />draft of the subdivision ordinance. <br />-5- <br />