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SCHEDULED ITEMS: Private Roads (cont'd.): <br />3) "That, under Sec. C -3a, Hardship, as a guideline for consideration <br />of a request for more than five lots on a pre-existing private <br />road under Conditional Exceptions procedure, be deleted from the <br />recommendations." <br />ACTION: <br />That the City Council accept the third recommendation <br />of the Planning Commission and delete the word "hardship". <br />MOTION: Bowler; SECOND: Davey; VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />4) "That Section C -3c, relative to limitation of the number of lots <br />allowed on a private road (not fully developed, be clarified." <br />City Attorney will clarify this Section in the course of preparing <br />the amendements and hearings held on the proposed language. <br />ACTION: <br />That the City Council adopt the September 19, 1966 <br />Committee Report on Recommendations for Private <br />Roads, amended October 3, 1966 and as modifbd by <br />action of this December 5, 1966 meeting, and that <br />the City Attorney be instructed to <br />1) Review all ordinances in light of the establish- <br />ment of the above policy and offer amendments of <br />intent or language whenever indicated, and <br />2) Prepare resolutions of policy as indicated above. <br />MOTION: Fowle; SECOND: Davey; VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />4. Sewer Assessment District No. 2 ........Deferred to Dec. 19th meeting. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITE145 Cont Id.: <br />2. City Manager's Report. <br />a) Referring to his Memorandum of November 15th, City Manager <br />recommended the Council direct the City Manager to require <br />purchase orders, effective immediately, for all purchases <br />exceeding Five Dollars ($5.00). <br />The Mayor instructed the City Attorney to amend Resolution No. 349 <br />and present under "RESOLUTIONS" of the Agenda. <br />b) City Manager referred to his memorandum dated November 21st regard- <br />ing agendas for consideration of unlisted and unscheduled matters. <br />Council concurred that a formal resolution pertaining to Council <br />procedure would be appropriate. <br />ACTION: <br />That the recommendations of the City Manager be approved <br />(,..; and that the City Attorney prepare resolutions according <br />to the City Manager's memoranda dated November 15 and 21, 1966. <br />MOTION: Bowler; SECOND: Fowle; VOTE: Passed unanimously. <br />-4- <br />