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UNSCHEDULED ITEM.SS Cont 'd.: <br />3. Snell Lane Area - Drainage - City Engineer. <br />Engr. Cook read his report dated November 1966 submitting alternate <br />solutions for storm water drainage on Snell Lane and area, and recom- <br />mending that the drainage problems would be best solved by the formation <br />of an assessment district since the alternates presented are of <br />limited benefit, as well as recommending a Master Drainage Plan and <br />advice from legal Counsel. <br />City Attorney advised that from the facts presented to him the Town has <br />no specific liability, however, if a feasible engineering solution can <br />be found and assuming the cooperation of Palo Alto, the Town could <br />assist in the formation of a sewer assessment district. <br />Engr. Cook submitted a proposal dated December 5, 1966 to complete the <br />Los Altos Hills Drainage Report...... Deferred to Dec. 19th meeting. <br />Mr. Wm. A. Perkins, 26623 Snell Lane, commented on his letter dated <br />December 1, 1966, also signed by Messrs. Case (present) and Jean of <br />Snell Lane, opposing the adoption of Alternates I, II, and III and <br />suggesting emergency measures according to Section IV of the Engineerts <br />Report, plus general suggestions for a master drainage plan and <br />specific responsibility to the Planning Commission for considering <br />storm drainage on all future subdivisions. <br />�. Ir. discussing emergency measures to provide drainage away from Lot #11 <br />(Mr. Case) and enlarge the culvert under driveway to Lot #12 (Mr. Jean), <br />Mr. Perkins requested that•!r. Jean, who is away for the Holidays, be <br />involved in the planning of the culvert since it is his driveway which <br />is involved; therefore action on the culvert was deferred pending a <br />request from any Councilman to re -agenda the matter. <br />ACTION: <br />That the City Council authorize an appropriation of <br />not more than $400.00 for the services of a ditching <br />machine generally from point "B" (map of Alternates II <br />and III), at the discretion of the City Engineer with <br />advice from Mr. Perkins, and after conferring with the <br />City of Palo Alto. <br />MOTION: Fowle; SECOND: Aiken; <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Aiken, Bowler, Davey, Powle, Mayor Henley <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />At 10:00 P. M., the Mayor adjourned the a,eeting for recess. <br />At 10:15 P. M., the Mayor reconvened the meeting. <br />