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8/26/2015 4:44:08 PM
Urging the State to Provide New Sustainable Funding for State and Local Transportation Infrastructure
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WHEREAS, if additional funding isn't secured now, it will cost taxpayers twice as much to fix <br /> the local system in the future, as failure to act this year will increase unmet funding needs for <br /> local transportation facilities by $11 billion in five years and $21 billion in ten years; and <br /> WHEREAS, modernizing the local street and road system provides well-paying construction <br /> jobs and boosts local economies; and <br /> WHEREAS, the local street and road system is also critical for farm to market needs, <br /> interconnectivity, multimodal needs, and commerce; and <br /> WHEREAS, police, fire, and emergency medical services all need safe reliable roads to react <br /> quickly to emergency calls and a few minutes of delay can be a matter of life and death; and <br /> WHEREAS, maintaining and preserving the local street and road system in good condition will <br /> reduce drive times and traffic congestion, improve bicycle safety, and make the pedestrian <br /> experience safer and more appealing, which leads to reduce vehicle emissions helping the State <br /> achieve its air quality and greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals; and <br /> WHEREAS, restoring roads before they fail also reduces construction time which results in less <br /> air pollution from heavy equipment and less water pollution from site run-off; and <br /> WHEREAS, in addition to the local system, the state highway system needs an additional $5.7 <br /> billion annually to address the state's deferred maintenance; and <br /> WHEREAS, in order to bring the local system back into a cost-effective condition, at least $7.3 <br /> billion annually in new money going directly to cities and counties; and <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN <br /> OF LOS ALTOS HILLS strongly urges the Governor and Legislature to identity a sufficient <br /> and stable funding source for local street and road and state highway maintenance and <br /> rehabilitation to ensure the safe and efficient mobility of the traveling public and the economic <br /> vitality of California. <br /> RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Town of Los Altos Hills strongly urges the Governor and <br /> Legislature to adopt the following priorities for funding California's streets and roads. <br /> 1. Make a significant investment in transportation infrastructure. Any <br /> package should seek to raise at least $6 billion annually and should remain in <br /> place for at least 10 years or until an alternative method of funding our <br /> transportation system is agreed upon. <br /> 2. Focus on maintaining and rehabilitating the current system. Repairing <br /> California's streets and highways involves much more than fixing potholes. It <br /> requires major road pavement overlays, fixing unsafe bridges, providing safe <br /> access for bicyclists and pedestrians, replacing storm water culverts, as well as <br /> Resolution 51-15 Page 2 <br />
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