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TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS September 8, 2005 <br />Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />RE: CONDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A NEW RESIDENCE AND <br />VARIANCES TO ALLOW THE HOUSE AND PARKING TO ENCROACH <br />INTO THE FRONT AND SIDE SETBACKS; LANDS OF DIGIOVANNI AND <br />SANDER; 12380 HILLTOP DRIVE; #104-05-ZP-SD-CDP-VAR <br />FROM: Debbie Pedro, AICP, Senior Planner., <br />APPROVED BY: Carl Cahill, Planning Director GG <br />RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission: <br />Deny the requested Conditional Development Permit and variance based on the findings <br />in Attachment 1. <br />ALTERNATIVE <br />Offer the applicant the option to continue the project and return with a house plan that <br />conforms to the Town's setback requirements. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The subject property is a .49 acre parcel located on the south side of Hilltop Drive. The <br />lot was created as part of the Hillhaven subdivision in 1930, prior to the Town's <br />incorporation in 1956. The property is nearly flat with an average slope of 6.3% and a <br />LUF of 0.491. Because the existing single -story house was constructed in 1953, prior to <br />the establishment of the Town's zoning and site development guidelines, it is legal <br />nonconforming and encroaches up to 10' in the north and south property line setbacks. <br />On April 4, 1974, the Planning Commission approved a variance for a swimming pool to <br />encroach 15' into the side and rear yard setbacks. A search of Town records indicates <br />that except for the house, the circular driveway, and the swimming pool, all other existing <br />structures on the property including an addition to the main house, a guest house, <br />detached garage, pool cabana, and other hardscape improvements appear to have been <br />installed by the previous owner without benefit of Town approval. <br />The applicant is proposing to remove all the existing development on the property except <br />for the legal nonconforming swimming pool and construct a new two-story residence with <br />