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RESOLUTION 58-15 <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br /> TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS URGING THE <br /> FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION TO <br /> ADDRESS AIRCRAFT NOISE IN LOS ALTOS <br /> HILLS <br /> WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is implementing a transition to <br /> the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) to standardize arrival and <br /> departure routes through the use of GPS-based technologies in 21 identified <br /> metroplexes,which are regions with multiple airports serving major metropolitan areas. <br /> WHEREAS, the Northern California Metroplex includes four commercial airports,San <br /> Francisco International Airport (SFO), Oakland International Airport (OAK), Mineta <br /> San Jose International Airport (SJC) and Sacramento International Airport (SMF). <br /> WHEREAS, as part of the transition to NextGen, the FAA recently changed the flight <br /> paths followed by commercial aircraft flying into and out of SFO, OAK, and SJC,as <br /> well as other airports in the Northern California Metroplex under a project the FAA <br /> calls the Northern California Optimization of Airspace and Procedures in the <br /> Metroplex(NorCal OAPM). <br /> WHEREAS, according to the FAA, the NorCal OAPM consists of new procedures and <br /> technologies to establish more direct flight routes intended to significantly improve <br /> safety,efficiency,and reduce fuel burn and carbon emissions. <br /> WHEREAS, on July 31, 2014,the FAA issued a Finding of No Significant Impact <br /> that NorCal OAPM would not have any significant noise impact on communities <br /> and surrounding areas based on inadequate sound metrics which do not reflect <br /> disturbance on the ground. <br /> WHEREAS, the noise generated by flights in the Northern California Metroplex is <br /> impacting residents in certain are as of the Town of Los Altos Hills. The <br /> considerable increase in the number of flights overhead each day and the lower flight <br /> altitudes result in a significant increase in the amount of aircraft noise experienced on <br /> the ground. <br /> NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,by the Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills the <br /> following: <br /> 1. The City Council requests the FAA immediately mitigate the increased aircraft <br /> noise at ground level in Los Altos Hills caused by the NorCal OAPM project by identifying <br /> all short-and long-term solutions and the expected timetable for their implementation. <br /> 2. The City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills requests the FAA, as part of <br /> the above analysis of aircraft noise mitigation measures,raise immediately the altitude of all <br /> flight paths over our city, reduce the number of night time flights into SFO, and, as part of <br /> the longer-term solutions,reconfigure the final approach paths so that descent over the bay <br /> is maximized. <br /> Resolution 58-15 Page 1 <br />