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MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: September 8, 2005 <br />TO: Members of the Planning Commission <br />FROM: Carl Cahill, Planning Director C C- <br />RE: Proposed fence ordinance recommended by the Ad Hoc Planning Committee <br />In response to recent concerns about fence requirements, the City Council formed an Ad <br />Hoc Planning Committee authorized to review the current fence ordinance and develop <br />proposed changes. Over the past two months the Ad Hoc Committee has been meeting <br />almost weekly to formulate its recommendations, which are incorporated in the proposed <br />fence ordinance attached for your review and comment. The current fence ordinance is <br />also attached for reference. <br />Major changes in the proposed fence ordinance are shaded in gray, and include the <br />following areas: <br />• A statement of purpose was added in Section 10-1.507(a) to articulate the Town's <br />philosophical basis for establishing the fence requirements. <br />• Certain types of permit requests listed in Section 10-1.507(e) will require <br />notification of neighbors and a site development hearing. <br />• The maximum height of open space/conservation easement perimeter fences was <br />reduced from 6 feet to 41/2 feet in Section 10-1.507(f)(6). <br />• Fences placed on slopes greater than 30% will be limited to a 41/2 -foot high split <br />rail fence under Section 10-1.507(f)(7). <br />• Fences in or around officially designated wildlife corridors will be limited to a <br />41/2 -foot high split rail fence under Section 10-1.507(f)(8). <br />• Replacements of existing nonconforming fences must conform to the <br />requirements of the new ordinance as per Section 10-1.507(g). <br />• Requirements for exceptions and variances have been clarified in Section 10- <br />1.507(h). <br />Please review the proposed fence ordinance and prepare to comment at the meeting. <br />Comments will be considered by the Ad Hoc Committee and the final proposed <br />ordinance will be returned to the Planning Commission for a noticed hearing. <br />Attachments: Proposed fence ordinance and current fence ordinance <br />