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S . • <br /> RESOLUTION NO . 1615 <br /> A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION <br /> OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF THE TOWN OF <br /> LOS ALTOS HILLS AND WEST COAST FENCE , INC . <br /> RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of the Town of Los Altos <br /> Hills , County of Santa Clara, State of California, that <br /> WHEREAS , heretofore the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> (herein called the "TOWN") , approved the obtaining of proposals for <br /> the performance of certain emergency work consisting of the fabri- <br /> cation and installation of a guard rail along a portion of El Monte <br /> Road (herein called the "PROJECT") ; and <br /> WHEREAS , the City Council has detetmined),that by reason of the <br /> commencement of severe winter storms the public safety requires the <br /> installation of the guard rail described above without delay; and <br /> WHEREAS , the City Council of the TOWN has read and considered <br /> that certain Agreement between the TOWN and WEST COAST FENCE, INC . , <br /> a corporation, for the performance of the work and furnishing of <br /> the materials required for the PROJECT, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS FOUND, ORDERED and DETERMINED as follows : <br /> 1 . Public convenience requires the entering into of the above- <br /> described Agreement , and the TOWN hereby approves this Agreement . <br /> 2 . The TOWN shall enter into , and the Mayor and City Clerk of <br /> the TOWN be, and they and each of them hereby is authorized and <br /> directed on behalf of said TOWN, respectively, to execute and attest <br /> an Agreement between the TOWN and WEST COAST FENCE, INC . , a corporation. <br /> REGULARLY passed and adopted this 7th day of , 1983 <br /> BY &, <br /> MAYOR <br /> ATTEST: <br /> <br /> CITY CLERK <br />