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RESOLUTION NO. 1500 <br /> A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PROPOSAL AND ORDERING. SALE OF <br /> REAL PROPERTY, DIRECTING PAYMENT OF REAL ESTATE COMMISSION, <br /> AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND. DELIVERY OF. DEED, AND ACCEPTING <br /> DEED OF TRUST .AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION THEREOF CONCERNING <br /> LOT 2, TRACT NO. ."7187,. MATADERO CREEK SUBDIVISION <br /> RESOLVED, by the City Council"" of the City of the Town of Los Altos <br /> Hills , County of Santa Clara, State of California, that <br /> WHEREAS , the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills (herein called <br /> "CITY" ) is the owner- of certain real property described as Mataderd <br /> Creek, Subdivision, namely: <br /> TRACT NO. 7187 ,: being a portion of Lots" <br /> 1 and 2 of.- thatpart of the Rancho Purissima . <br /> Concepcion, partitioned for Juana Briones ,: <br /> W. Matthews , R. F. 'Budges 'and T. B. Bishop, <br /> recorded in Book "A" of Maps, at Page 21, _ <br /> Santa Clara County Records ,. <br /> and consisting of Lots 1 to 20, inclusive; 'and <br /> WHEREAS, Raymond Soloman and Marilyn Soloman°= have __submitted a <br /> proposal to purchase Lot 2-Nand topaythe amount of $205 ,000 therefor <br /> subject to the City Council approving the proposed financing of payment <br /> of the unpaid balance of the purchase price prior to the close of escrow, <br /> NOW', THEREFORE, IT IS FOUND, ORDERED AND DETERMINED as follows: <br /> 1. The City Council hereby accepts the proposal described above <br /> and orders the sale of Lot 2 toRaymondSoloman and Marilyn Soloman <br />= for the purchase price stated in the proposal. <br /> 2. The City Council further orders that the, land title company <br /> with whom an escrow concerning the sale of Lot 2 is opened shall be <br /> instructed to pay out of the funds of Raymond Soloman and Marilyn <br /> Soloman deposited in escrow a real estate commission in an amount equal <br /> to six (6) percent of the selling price in accordance with the Agree- <br /> ment dated September 1, 1982, between the City of the Town of -Los Altos <br /> Hills and Fox & Carskadon, Inc. , a corporation. <br />