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• • <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 1473 <br /> RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 1020, AS PREVIOUSLY <br /> AMENDED BY RESOLUTION NO. 1235, ENTITLED "RESOLUTION <br /> ESTABLISHING RULES FOR TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSPORTATION, <br /> AND FIXING AMOUNTS FOR REIMBURSEMENT EXPENSES" <br /> RESOLVED, i <br /> by theCity Council of the City of the Town of Los Altos <br /> Hills, County of Santa Clara, State of California, that <br /> WHEREAS , Resolution No. 1020 entitled "RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING <br /> RULES FOR TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSPORTATION, AND FIXING AMOUNTS <br /> FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES" , adopted on February 16 , 1977 , as <br /> amended by Resolution No. 1235, adopted on September 19 , 1979, be, and <br /> it hereby is further amended to read as follows: <br /> "RESOLVED, that whenever any member of the City Council, officer, <br /> deputy or employee in the service of the City, or any member of a City <br /> commission, in the performance of his or her duty is required to travel <br /> outside of the City, such person shall comply with the following rules <br /> for travel authorization and transportation, and shall be allowed, in <br /> addition to his or her salary or compensation, his or her actual and <br /> necessary travel expenses based upon the amounts hereinafter set forth; <br /> provided, however, that: <br /> (A) The approval of the City Manager shall first be obtained prior <br /> to any officer, deputy or employee in the service of the City traveling <br /> outside of the City, or the County of Santa Clara, if reimbursement of <br /> expenses will be sought; and <br /> (B) The approval of the City Council shall first be obtained prior <br /> to any member of the City Council traveling outside of the City, or <br /> the County of Santa Clara, if reimbursement of expenses will be sought. <br />