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• . • <br /> other. minor miscellaneous expenditures based upon the following <br /> schedule: <br /> STANDARD PER FOR DAY OF FOR DAY OF <br /> DESCRIPTION OF TRAVELER DIEM ALLOWANCE DEPARTURE RETURN <br /> Salaried-Exempt Employees, <br /> Councilmembers, City <br /> Attorney, Committee and $ 35. 00 $ 35 . 00 $ 17 . 50 <br /> Commission members, and <br /> Others officially traveling <br /> for the City of the Town <br /> of Los Altos Hills <br /> 6. Lodging accommodations to the extent possible should be made <br /> by the City. Reimbursement for lodging arranged by the person traveling <br /> will be based upon, prevailing commercial rates for the travel area. <br /> Any reimbursement shall be reduced. proportionately for any lodging or <br /> subsistence provided by the military or other government agencies. <br /> 7. Transportation costs shall be reimbursed in accordance with <br /> the following rules: <br /> a. In the case of air and commercial rail transportation, <br /> the actual amount of a reasonable expenditure, except that <br /> P <br /> first class travel must be previously authorized by the Council. <br /> b. In the case of automobile rental reimbursement, it is <br /> .limited to the prevailing standard car rates. <br /> c. In the case of transportation by private automobile <br /> at the request of the City, reimbursement shall be at the <br /> rate of twenty cents ($0. 20) per mile, together with the <br /> actual amount of tolls and parking fees, provided that only <br /> the driver of the vehicle is reimbursed and, if at the re- <br /> quest of the person traveling, the sum of twenty cents <br /> ($0. 20) per mile plus the actual amount of tolls and parking <br /> fees, or the amount of fare charges for available coach <br /> class air transportation plus transportation to and from the <br /> airports, whichever is less, provided that only the driver <br /> is reimbursed. <br /> -3- <br />