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(c) Any correspondence involving the use of Town letterhead must first be approved <br /> by the City Council before distribution. Any outside correspondence (excluding intra-town <br /> memos) shoulde <br /> b submitted in draft to the City Clerk. <br /> (d) All press releases and announcements relating to the Town or Town-sponsored <br /> events are to be pre-approved by the City Council. Sufficient time should be allowed to obtain <br /> necessary approvals or make necessary changes. <br /> (e) Itemized budgets must be submitted in advance for projects involving a group or <br /> series of purchases. <br /> (f) Vendors for purchases shall be those which are identified and approved by the <br /> Town. <br /> (g) Funds which are budgeted for a specific use must still be approved prior to <br /> expenditure. <br /> (h) Written bids may be submitted for consideration by the Town. In this case, three <br /> or more bids are required. <br /> (i) Any new programs, projects, or expenditures beyond what has previously been <br /> approved by the City Council shall first be submitted to vote by the Standing Committee. The <br /> recommendation and supporting minutes shall then be forwarded to the City Council for <br /> consideration prior to any obligations being made. <br /> (j) Priorities and deadlines are set by the City Council and can be changed only by <br /> the City Council. <br /> Section 7. Communications. <br /> All standing committees of the City Council are subject to the following principles and <br /> guidelines,unless specifically given other guidance by vote of the Council: <br /> (a).Committees do not have the authority to speak for the Town. Neither Committees as <br /> a whole, nor an individual committee member shall act or speak for the Town unless authorized <br /> to do so by the City Council. Committees should not seek to negotiate or conclude agreements <br /> with other organizations. Only the Council or Town Staff may do so. <br /> (b) When speaking with the press or other organizations, committee members should <br /> refrain from communication that would lead the recipient of such communications to understand <br /> or reasonably believe that they are speaking on behalf of the Town. <br /> Section 8. Repeals. This Resolution hereby repeals and supersedes all previous <br /> resolutions regarding standing committees, including, without limitation, Resolution No. 61-15. <br /> The above and foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the Town of <br /> Los Altos Hills at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of December, 2015 by the following <br /> vote: <br /> Resolution 65-15 Page 13 <br />