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y • • <br /> WHEREAS , the City Council on April 21 , 1982 accepted the bid <br /> described above and ordered the sale of Lot 17 to the above-named <br /> bidder , <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS FOUND, ORDERED AND DETERMINED as follows : <br /> 1. The City of the Town of Los Altos Hills shall enter into and <br /> the Mayor and the City Clerk thereof be , and they and each of them <br /> hereby is authorized and directed on behalf of said City, respectively, <br /> to execute and attest a Deed wherein Lot 17 is conveyed to RAMCHAND <br /> NAGPAL and SHAKU NAGPAL, his wife, and to deliver the Deed in accord- <br /> ance with the terms and provisions of the bid of the above-named bidder <br /> and Resolution No. 1428 , adopted by the City Council on March 18 , 1982, <br /> respectively. <br /> 2. The Note for the unpaid balance of the purchase price of Lot <br /> 1.7 executed by the above-named bidder , together with the Deed of Trust <br /> in which the above-named bidder is named as Trustor and the City is <br /> named as Beneficiary, be and each of them is hereby accepted , and the <br /> City Clerk of the City be , and he hereby is directed and ordered to <br /> cause said Deed of Trust to be recorded in the Office of the Recorder <br /> of the County of Santa Clara, State of California. <br /> REGULARLY passed and adopted this 19th day of May , 1982. <br /> BY ' <br /> Mayor <br /> ATTEST: <br /> City Clerk <br /> -2- <br />