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TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS October 13, 2005 <br /> Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> RE: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A WIRELESS <br /> COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY AND SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW <br /> AN EQUIPMENT SHED TO ENCROACH WITHIN THE SIDE YARD <br /> SETBACK; LANDS OF LOS ALTOS HILLS (WESTWIND BARN); 27210 <br /> ALTAMONT ROAD;FILE# 177-05-ZP-SD-CUP-VAR. <br /> FROM: Brian Froelich, Assistant Planner <br /> APPROVED BY: Carl Cahill, Planning Director(,G <br /> RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission: <br /> Approve the requested Conditional Use Permit and Variance, subject to the recommended <br /> conditions and findings of .approval in Attachments 1, 2, and 3 and forward a <br /> recommendation of approval to the City Council. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> The site is a Town owned 14.96-acre property located at 27210 Altamont Road. <br /> Currently, the site is used by the Westwind Barn commercial stable and has been <br /> operating under a Conditional Use Permit at the site since 1977. The subject property is <br /> located immediately to the west of the 50.25 acre Byrne Preserve. Existing structures on <br /> the property include the barn, paddocks, corrals, and riding arenas. Surrounding uses <br /> include single-family residences to the west, south, and north, and the Byrne Preserve to <br /> the east. <br /> PROJECT SUMMARY <br /> Verizon Wireless has submitted plans for a 65 foot wireless communications pole, with 6 <br /> antennas and an equipment shelter that is 13 feet tall with a similar architectural style as <br /> the existing barn. Verizon Wireless has provided two pole designs that meet their <br /> requirements for the target service area: <br /> 1. Mono-Pine: The mono pine design would be 65 feet tall with a 17 foot wide <br /> canopy. This type of pole is limited in the potential for co-location because only <br /> one other wireless carrier could be located on this type of pole. The faux foliage <br /> limits reception and mounting capabilities. <br /> 2. Slimline Pole: This design would be 65 feet tall and painted a flat, earthtone <br /> color. This design reduces overall bulk and allows two potential co-location <br /> elevations. <br /> Verizon Wireless has provided these two designs for consideration by the Town. <br />