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• • <br /> system or by other means consistent with the <br /> rural nature of the area. The improved drainage <br /> channel shall discharge to a storm drain collec- <br /> tion pipe, a paved street with a gutter or Adobe <br /> Creek. <br /> 7. A storm drain system (as shown on Exhibit #2 , <br /> attached hereto and incorporated herein) shall <br /> be placed in Chaparral Way to collect storm <br /> waters from properties which drain onto Chaparral <br /> Way. The storm drain system ishall extend the <br /> full length of Chaparral Way and connect to Adobe <br /> Creek in the vicinity of the Chaparral Way/Moody <br /> Road intersection. <br /> 8 . As properties develop or subdivide, the properties <br /> involved should be required to install a storm <br /> drainage system from the properties to the nearest <br /> existing storm drain in Chaparral Way. If a storm <br /> drain system doesn't exist in Chaparral Way, the <br /> storm drain shall extend from the developed or sub- <br /> divided property to Adobe Creek via Chaparral Way. <br /> 9 . If a property that is being developed or subdivided <br /> is not required to install storm drainage facilities, <br /> then each parcel involved in the subdivision shall <br /> be required to join a future storm drainage assess- <br /> ment district. <br /> 10 . All new residences shall be connected to the sani- <br /> tary sewer system. <br /> 11. All Site Development applications shall be reviewed <br /> by the Planning Commission. <br /> 12 . The circulation standards should complement the Land <br /> Use Element Standards by minimizing impervious sur- <br /> facing, disruption to the terrain and intrusion <br /> into the area. Circulation and engineering stan- <br /> dards on Chaparral Way shall remain essentially un- <br /> changed until property owners along Chaparral Way <br /> request improvement or the City Council determines <br /> -3- <br />