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Planning Commission <br /> Lands of Perrell r <br /> 26300 Silent Hills Lane <br /> December 8,2005 <br /> Page 2 <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> The property owner proposes a six foot (6') tall, brown vinyl coated chain link fence <br /> along the property boundary adjacent to Silent Hills Lane. A 175 foot portion of the fence <br /> is proposed nearer than the required 45 feet (for a 6' open fence) from the centerline of <br /> the Silent Hills Lane right-of-way (Section 10-507(c)(5)). The owner cites, in a letter <br /> (attachment 2), that concerns for security and safety of his private property, family, and <br /> guests and protection from wild animals that may cause damage or harm to landscaping <br /> or pets as the reasons for the requested exception. The owner asserts that a six foot (6') <br /> tall fence will provide the desired level of security. The owner has prepared the required <br /> findings for approval (attachment#2) (26300 Silent Hills Lane). <br /> A vineyard has been installed on the property near the Silent Hills Lane frontage and if a <br /> conforming (6') fence were installed it would require removal of portions of the existing <br /> vineyard in this area. <br /> The plans indicate a portion of the 175 foot proposed fence to be located in the Public <br /> Utilities Easement. The Town cannot approve any fencing in a P.U.E. without written <br /> consent from the Utility Companies. If this proposal is approved, the conditions of <br /> approval (attachment# 1) address this issue. <br /> A neighboring property at 26410 Silent Hills Lane (Lands of Cleary) was issued a <br /> variance (per code at that time) in April, 2002 for a wall and fence to be located closer to <br /> the Silent Hills Lane centerline than the minimum required by code. The standards related <br /> to fences have been amended since that approval (July, 2004). The findings establish that <br /> a hardship exists because Silent Hills Lane dead ends in a fork at the Cleary and Perrell <br /> driveways. If the road dead-end was in a cul-de-sac shape, a variance would not have <br /> been required. With regard to the current request, there is nothing unusual about the <br /> fronting road design or configuration that results in a hardship. <br /> Findings for denial are attached to this report (attachment #3). Specifically, finding #1 <br /> requires that a proper balance, unity and harmonious appearance be created in relation to <br /> the site and in relation to the aesthetic or rural character of the surrounding neighborhood. <br /> The fencing provisions were revised through a series of study sessions and public <br /> hearings and were amended in July, 2004. Code Section 10-1.507(c)(5) establishes <br /> standards for aesthetics and rural character by requiring six foot (6') open fences to be <br /> located 45 feet from the centerline of rights-of-way. The same level of security the <br /> applicant requests could be achieved via removal of portions of the vineyard and <br /> installation of a conforming fence. <br />