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Planning Commission <br /> Lands of Perrell <br /> 26411 Eshner Court <br /> December 8,2005 <br /> Page 3 <br /> ATTACHMENT 1 <br /> RECON MENDED CONDITIONS FOR AN EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A <br /> CHAINLINK FENCE WHERE SPLIT RAIL IS REQUIRED. <br /> LANDS OF PERRELL, 26411 ESHNER COURT <br /> File#166-05-ZP <br /> A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT: <br /> 1. The fence shall not encroach upon or cross any easement. <br /> 2. The applicant shall provide a one foot tall (measured from grade to the bottom of the fence)x <br /> 10 foot wide (1' x 10') opening every 50 feet along the fence for a total of three (3) such <br /> openings for this 150 foot length of fence. Planning staff will work with the applicant to <br /> determine the exact location of the openings in the field. <br /> 3. This approval is for a vinyl coated chain link fence (brown) with a maximum height of 6 <br /> feet.No other structures or installations shown on the plan are approved with this permit. <br /> 4. The location,height,and materials of the fence shall be constructed according to the approved <br /> plans. Any changes to the location,height, or construction shall first be approved by the Site <br /> Development Authority. <br /> 5. The property owner shall be responsible for confirming all property line and easement <br /> locations and verify that new installations are located within the property. If a property line <br /> dispute results from this installation, it is a civil matter and the Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> cannot assist in determining the property line location or resolving the dispute. <br /> 6. Height is measured from the finished grade to the top of the fence, gate, or column at any <br /> point(including post/column caps/decorative feature). <br /> 7. The approval of this fence plan shall not be construed to be a permit for any violation of any <br /> code,policy,or ordinance. <br /> 8. No additional exterior lighting is approved with this permit. <br /> 9. Upon completion of construction, the applicant shall arrange a final inspection with the <br /> Planning Department. <br /> B. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: <br /> 10. Any, and all, changes to the proposed grading and drainage shall first be approved by the <br /> Town Engineering Department. No grading shall take place during the grading moratorium <br /> (November 1 to April 1)except with prior approval from the City Engineer. No grading shall <br /> take place within ten feet of any property line. <br /> 11. Any,and all,areas on the project site that have the native material disturbed shall be protected <br /> for erosion control during the rainy season and shall be replanted prior to final inspection. <br />