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TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS December 8, 2005 <br /> Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> RE: PREZONING OF UNINCORPORATED SAN ANTONIO HILLS AREA: 82 <br /> PARCELS (19.99 ACRES)EAST OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AND <br /> SOUTH OF THE CITY OF LOS ALTOS, GENERALLY BETWEEN <br /> MAGDALENA AVENUE AND EASTBROOK AVENUE INLCUDING <br /> SPALDING AVENUE, PAR AVENUE, WINDING WAY, PUTTER AVENUE, <br /> AND PUTTER WAY; #234-05-ZP. <br /> FROM: Debbie Pedro, AICP, Senior Planner_y� <br /> APPROVED BY: Carl Cahill, Planning Director C.0 <br /> RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission: <br /> Forward the application to the City Council with a recommendation to approve the <br /> proposed prezoning of the Eastbrook-Magdalena area and adopt the Mitigated Negative <br /> Declaration. (Attachment 2) <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> Pursuant to the 2002 Housing Element update of the Los Altos Hills General Plan (Policy <br /> H, Program 8, adopted by the City Council on January 15, 2004), the Town is prezoning <br /> 82 parcels within the Eastbrook-Magdalena neighborhood. (Attachment 3) The program <br /> to prezone the project area was required as part of the State's Housing and Community <br /> Development Department (HCD) certification of the Town's 2002 Housing Element. <br /> The purpose of the prezone and eventual annexation of the project area is to add to the <br /> supply of available housing units in the Town and provide greater housing variety at <br /> higher densities than currently are allowed in the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br /> The project area is located between Magdalena Avenue and Eastbrook Avenue and <br /> includes properties on Spalding Avenue, Par Avenue, Winding Way, Putter Avenue, and <br /> Putter Way. The average size of the parcels is one-quarter acre and most of the lots are <br /> already developed with single-family homes. A map of the project area and list of the <br /> parcels affected is included in Attachment 1. <br /> The purpose of prezoning an area is to establish the zoning district which will apply in the <br /> event of subsequent annexation to the Town. The project area will be prezoned "R-A" <br /> (Residential-Agricultural). The zoning classification established through the prezoning <br /> procedure will become effective and enforceable when annexation is approved. Since no <br /> annexation is proposed as a part of this project, the prezoning would have no force or <br /> effect on the subject properties at this time. <br />