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L <br /> Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> Prezone of Eastbrook Magdalena <br /> December 8,2005 <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br /> EASTBROOK-MAGDALENA AREA AND PARCEL SIZE DATA <br /> Total Parcels: 82 parcels <br /> Total Area: 19.99 acres <br /> Average Parcel Size: 0.25 acres <br /> SANTA CLARA COUNTY ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION <br /> The County zoning designation for the subject parcels is RIE-lAc nl (One-Family <br /> Residence Estate-1 Acre Minimum, Neighborhood Preservation Combining District). <br /> The existing RIE County designation allows single-family residential development with a <br /> minimum lot size of one acre, a minimum front yard setback of 30 feet, a minimum side <br /> yard setback of 20 feet, a minimum rear yard setback of 25 feet, and a maximum height of <br /> 27 feet. Portions of the County's development standards for this area can be found in <br /> Attachment 4. <br /> TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS PREZONE AND GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION <br /> The project area is designated by the Town of Los Altos Hills as Residential Unit No. 6, <br /> "very low to low density [single family] residential" uses. The RA (Residential- <br /> Agricultural) designation allows single-family residential development with a minimum <br /> lot size of one-acre, a minimum front yard setback of 40 feet, a minimum side yard <br /> setback of 30 feet, a minimum rear yard setback of 30 feet, and a maximum height of 27 <br /> feet. <br /> Since the average lot size in the Eastbrook-Magdalena neighborhood is one-quarter(0.25) <br /> acre and already developed, it may be impractical to apply Los Altos Hills zoning and site <br /> development standards, especially setback requirements, to these substandard, <br /> nonconforming lots. If annexation of the subject area were to occur as the result of a <br /> future project, the Town could create an overlay district specific to this area with <br /> amended development standards to accommodate new development on these much <br /> smaller parcels. <br /> CEOA STATUS <br /> In conformance with CEQA requirements, staff has prepared an Initial Study and <br /> Mitigated Negative Declaration. A Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative <br /> Declaration was published in the Town Crier on November 16, 2005. The notice was <br /> also submitted to the Santa Clara County Clerks Office for a 20 day public review period <br /> which began on November 18 and ended on December 7, 2005. <br />