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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> Prezone of Eastbrook Magdalena <br /> December 8,2005 <br /> Page 3 of 3 <br /> CONCLUSION <br /> Staff recommends approval of the proposed Prezoning of the Eastbrook-Magdalena area <br /> for the following reasons: <br /> 1. The project is consistent with the Town's General Plan Housing Element. <br /> 2. The current residential land use in the project area is in conformance with the Town's <br /> residential land use designation. <br /> 3. The prezoning would have no force or effect on the subject properties until the area is <br /> annexed into the Town. Furthermore, since the Eastbrook-Magdalena neighborhood is <br /> nearly built-out, there should be little or no change to the make up of the existing area <br /> or community as a result of future annexation. <br /> ATTACHMENTS: <br /> 1. Eastbrook-Magdalena Project Area Map and Parcels List <br /> 2. Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration <br /> 3. 2002 Los Altos Hills Housing Element-Goals, Policies, Programs, and Objectives <br /> (p. 39-44) <br /> 4. Santa Clara County R1E lAc nl Zoning Standards <br />