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Planning Commission <br /> December 8,2005 <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br /> Notification is limited to adjacent neighbors and neighbors across the street. <br /> 3. Design Guidelines. Preference for open fences using natural materials and colors is <br /> clearly stated in Section 10-1.507(e). Current requirements for granting exceptions to <br /> design standards have been omitted. <br /> 4. Development Standards. Section 10-1.507(f) includes the following additions to <br /> existing development standards: <br /> • Subsection (1) clarifies that fences and walls located on property lines or in <br /> setback areas not adjacent to a road right-of-way are limited to 6 feet in height. <br /> • Subsection (2) clarifies that there is a sliding scale for fence heights, which may <br /> be proportionately increased 1 foot for every 10-foot increase in setback up to a <br /> maximum of 6 feet in height. <br /> • Subsection (3) clarifies that fences, walls, gates and columns located behind <br /> setback lines are not subject to height limitations. <br /> • Subsection (10) makes fences located in or around officially designated ed wildlife <br /> corridors subject to the same requirements that apply to fences on the perimeter of <br /> open space/conservation easements. <br /> 5. Nonconforming Fences. Currently, the code allows the replacement of existing legal <br /> nonconforming fences with the same materials in the same location. The proposed <br /> amendment requires that the replacement of existing legal nonconforming fences must <br /> conform to the requirements of the new ordinance as per Section 10-1.507(g). <br /> Exceptions may be granted where the strict application of these requirements will result <br /> in a hardship for the property owner. <br /> 6. Exceptions and Variances. Findings for exceptions have been simplified in Section 10- <br /> 1.507(h). For clarification, a statement has been added that any fence over 6 feet in a <br /> setback area or closer to the centerline of the road than required shall require a variance. <br /> CEQA STATUS <br /> This project is categorically exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15308, "Actions by <br /> Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment." <br /> SUMMARY <br /> The proposed fence ordinance clarifies height and location requirements for fences, walls, gates <br /> and columns. In addition, the proposed ordinance requires the notification of neighbors for <br /> certain types of fence requests, such as fences that involve the removal of existing landscape <br /> screening or solid fences that would impact neighbor views. <br /> ATTACHMENTS <br /> 1. Proposed Fence Ordinance with Amendments <br /> 2. Current Fence Ordinance <br /> 3. September 8, 2005 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br />