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S <br /> evidence, oral and documentary, thereon, following which the hearing <br /> was continuedfrom time to time until October 4, 1978 , at which <br /> time the Council received further evidence, oral and documentary, <br /> thereon, and finally took the matter under submission; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES , <br /> pursuant to the Land Conservation Act of 1965 , as follows : <br /> 1. SEM Developers, Inc. , a corporation, as the present land- <br /> owner of the hereinafter described land, heretofore filed a <br /> Petition and Request with the Cityof the Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> q <br /> for cancellation of a certain Land Conservation Contract (herein <br /> referred to as the "Contract") , and more particularly described as <br /> follows : <br /> ASSESSOR'S DATE OF OFFICIAL RECORDS <br /> PARTIES PARCEL NO. RECORDATION BOOK PAGE <br /> Ethel F. County of <br /> Neary Santa Clara 336-25-001 Feb. 28, 1969 8451 351 <br /> 2 . The land described in the Contract is more particularly <br /> described in Exhibit "A" , attached hereto and incorporated herein <br /> by reference. The land described in Exhibit "A" is located within <br /> a part of an agricultural preserve within the County of Santa Clara <br /> to which the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills (herein referred to <br /> as the "Town") has succeeded and acquired jurisdiction by annexation <br /> of said real property to the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills . <br /> 3. The City Clerk has caused notice of the public hearing <br /> in the matter of said petition and request to be given and published <br /> in the manner and within the time required by law. <br /> 4 . Prior to any action of the City Council giving tentative <br /> approval to cancellation of the Contract, the County Assessor <br /> of the County of Santa Clara has certified to the City Council that <br /> -2- <br />