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V v WMO <br />The topographic base map to be used shall meet the requirements for <br />tentative subdivision maps as set forth in Section 9-1.603(g). Under <br />certain special circumstances, as approved by the Town Planner, measure- <br />ments along contours may be made at contour intervals of ten (10) feet. <br />Any portion or portions of a parcel or lot which have an average <br />natural slope greater than fifty-five (55%) percent may, as an option to <br />the applicant, be assigned an average slope of fifty-five (55%) percent <br />for the purposes of computing the average slope of the entire parcel or <br />lot, provided however, that the excluded area shall not have an average <br />slope exceeding 100%. <br />Sec. 10-1.208. Basement. <br />"Basement" shall mean a space partly or wholly underground and having <br />more than one-half (112) its height, measured from its floor to its ceil- <br />ing, below the average adjoining grade. <br />Sec. 10-1.209. Building. <br />"Building" shall mean a structure with a minimum structure height of 6 <br />feet having a roof supported by columns or walls for the housing or <br />enclosure of persons, animals, or chattels. <br />Sec. 10-1.210. Building line. <br />"Building line" shall mean the line along which the vertical surface <br />of a building intersects the ground. <br />Sec. 10-1.211. Building Permit. <br />"Building Permit" shall mean a permit issued by the Town for construc- <br />tion, erection, or alteration of a structure or building. <br />Sec. 10-1.212. Club, recreational. <br />"Recreational club" shall mean a club or recreational facility <br />operated by a nonprofit organization. <br />Sec. 10-1.213. Certify: Certification. <br />"Certify" or "Certification" shall mean that the specific inspections <br />and tests have been performed where required and that such tests comply <br />with the applicable requirements of this Chapter. <br />Sec. 10-1.214. Convent. <br />"Convent" shall mean a residence facility for participants in a <br />religious order or organization; provided, however, no money or other <br />consideration shall be required to be paid by the residents to the <br />proprietor. <br />4 <br />