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V `+ W J <br />Sec. 10-1.215. Development area. <br />"Development area" on any lot or parcel shall mean that area which is <br />described in Section 10-1.502(b) of this Article. <br />Sec. 10-1.215(a). Dish Antenna. <br />"Dish Antenna" shall mean any antenna, external to or attached to the <br />exterior of any building or structure, which is parabolic or semi -circular <br />in cross-section. <br />Sec. 10-1.216. Driveway. <br />"Driveway" shall mean a private way or route for use by vehicular <br />traffic leading from a parking area, house, garage, or other structure to <br />a public or private right-of-way, and serving no more than two parcels or <br />lots. <br />Sec. 10-1.217. Dwelling, primary. <br />"Primary dwelling" shall mean a building designated and/or customarily <br />used as a residence by not more than one family and situated on a parcel <br />or lot on which no other primary dwelling is located. <br />Sec. 10-1.218. Dwelling, secondary. <br />"Secondary dwelling" shall mean an attached or detached living unit <br />intended for occupancy by caretakers or nonpaying guests or relatives of <br />the property owners, which living unit shall be erected or maintained on <br />land in one ownership upon which land has been erected or maintained a <br />primary dwelling. <br />Sec. 10-1.219. Engineering Geologist. <br />"Engineering Geologist" shall mean a geologist licensed and certified <br />as an Engineering Geologist by the State of California. <br />Sec. 10-1.220. Family. <br />"Family" shall mean one person living alone, or two (2) or more <br />persons all related to each other by blood, marriage, or legal adoption, <br />together with necessary domestic employees, or a group not exceeding four <br />(4) persons living as a single household unit. <br />Sec. 10-1.221. Fence. <br />"Fence" shall mean a constructed barrier or screen composed of wood, <br />metal, masonry, glass, plastic or any other construction material (not <br />including graded berms or living hedges). <br />