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Last modified
6/28/2016 10:09:31 AM
Creation date
3/10/2016 1:45:14 PM
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Amending the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code by Amending the Text of Chapter 1 of Title 10 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code Entitled "Zoning Law of the Town of Los Altos Hills" Regulating the Use of Buildings, Structures and Land; the Location, Height, Bulk, Number of Stories of Buildings and Structures; The size and use of Lots, Yards, Courts and Other Open Spaces; the Percentage of a Lot Which May Be Occupied by a Building or Structure; Intensity of Land Use; Establishing Requirements for Off-Street Parking and Building Setbacks Lines; and Providing for the Division of the Town into Zones; and Amending Section 9-1.604 of Chapter 1 of Title 9 of the Los Altos Hills Municpal Code Entitled "Subdivisions;" and Amending Sections 10-2.301, 10-2.1303 and 10-2.1309 of Chapter 2 of Title 10 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code Entitled "Site Development;" and Repealing Ordinance Nos. 292, 295 and 300
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`0 it r J <br />Sec. 10-1.222. Firebreak. <br />"Firebreak" shall mean any area of land from which vegetation has been <br />removed or cut for the purposes of fire protection. <br />Sec. 10-1.223. Floor area. <br />"Floor area" shall mean the gross horizontal area of the several <br />floors of all buildings, including garage space, measured to the outside <br />of exterior walls. Floor area is counted twice when the vertical distance <br />between the upper surface of the floor and the upper surface of the floor, <br />or the underside of the roof directly above it, is greater than 17 feet. <br />That portion of attics and similar areas are considered Floor Area when <br />the distance between the upper surface of the attic floor and the under- <br />side of the roof above it is 8 feet or more. For the purposes of this <br />definition, all attic spaces are considered to have floor surfaces. <br />When a retaining wall is incorporated into a structure and earth is <br />backfilled against the retaining wall, any Floor Area which is at least 6 <br />feet below the backfill, when that distance is referenced from the exten- <br />sion of contour lines from the ground along the perimeter of the struc- <br />ture, is not counted. <br />Sec. 10-1.224. Frontage. <br />"Frontage" shall mean all property abutting one side of a road <br />Sec. 10-1.225. Garage, private. <br />"Private garage" shall mean a building or an accessory to a main <br />building providing for the storage of automobiles. <br />Sec. 10-1.226. Grading. <br />"Grading" shall mean to bring an existing surface to a designed form <br />by excavating, filling, or smoothing operations. <br />Sec. 10-1.227. Height, Structure. <br />"Structure height" shall mean the vertical distance at any point from <br />the natural ground level which existed prior to grading for any structure, <br />or from the building pad if excavated below natural ground level, which- <br />ever elevation is lower, to the highest part of the structure directly <br />above. <br />When a retaining wall is incorporated into a structure and earth is <br />backfilled against the retaining wall, the height of the structure shall <br />be referenced to the extension of contour lines from the ground along the <br />perimeter of the structure. In no case shall the extended contour lines <br />exceed the contour lines established by the natural ground level. <br />M <br />
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